Tender For supply of implants and instruments for ortho surgery - imil nails tibia with screw 9mm , imil nails tibia with screw 10mm , imil nails tibia with interlocking screw size 30mm , imil nails tibia with interlocking screw size 32mm , imil nails tibia with interlocking screw size 34mm , imil nails tibia with interlocking screw size 36mm , distal radius ellis lockingplate , distal radius locking screw , proximal tibia butterss non lockingplate , proximal tibia lateral lockingplate hockey plate , fibula lockingplate , enders nails with accessories , distal tibia lockingplate with locking screw , anatomical clavicle lockingplate with locking , imil femur nails 9mm with cortical interlocking , imil femur nails 10mm with cortical interlocking , proximal femural nails right , proximal femural nails right and left pfn , proximal femural screw , rush nails , distalfemurlockingplate with locking , short pfn universal 135 degree angled , short pfn universal lag screw , short pfn universal compression , radius and ulna lockingplate with cortical , long bone spikes leavers 8mm and 10mm , bone holding reduction forceps , bone holding reduction serrated speed lock , pointed reduction serrated forceps , k wire bender 170mm and 200mm , t handle with ss chuck and key , drill bits cannulated and non cannulated , k wires ortho , tube to tube clamps for external fixator