Tender For various repair works on electrical systems - various defects on electrical equipment., l-1386 : 02 in nos cctv camera not working in pcr and amr. suspect both cameras defective. cameras to be repaired and proven for satisfactory operation. job involves laying of new lan cable approx length 90 mtrs from dchq to pcr and amr, connecting cameras with dvr., l-1387: ice cube maker not working view following defects: -(a) water inlet valve deteriorated and not allowing water to pass inside machine.(b) water pump defective.(c) compressor gas pressure showing low. gas to be refilled as required.ice cube machine to be removed from position and shifted to workshop for repair and refitment to be carried out post refitting. defect to be rectified and proven for satisfactory operation., l-1388: senior sailor water cooler not cooling water and not working. suspect compressor showing low freon gas. gas to be refilled to required pressure. defect to be rectified and proven for satisfactory operation., l-1389: mast base ventilation fan not working and showing low insulation. mast base ventilation fan (10 kw, 3 ph, 50hz) to be rewinded and proven for satisfactory operation., l-1390 : engineering workshop bench grinding machine not working view motor overheating and showing low insulation. bench grinding machine motor (5kw, 3 ph, 50 hz) to be rewinded and proven for satisfactory operation., l-1391: ahu 1 not working view control circuit malfunction. suspect olr and 02 relay malfunctioning. defect to be rectified and proven for satisfactory operation., l-1392: ibs acos (auto change over switch) not working. suspect contactor/relay malfunctioning. defect to be rectified and proven for satisfactory operation.