Tender For supply of medical equipment - magills forceps small , magills forceps big , kidney tray large ss , kidney tray medium ss , kidney tray small ss , lumbar puncture tray , ambu bag paed , ambu bag neonate , sevoflurane vapouriser , mc coy blade with laryngoscope size 3and4 , fluid in line warmer , oxygen valve set , oxygen concentrator , laryngeal mask airway size 2 reusable , laryngeal mask airway size 3 reusable , laryngeal mask airway size 4 reusable , bin small , bin medium , oxygen flow meter , shadow less lamp , endotracheal tube , multipurpose trolley ss large , multipurpose trolley ss medium , fogging machine , amalgamator unit , carver , burnisor , dental curette , dental probe straight and curved , dental elevator kit , dental air compresor , sacling unit ultra sonic dental scaler , amalgam carrier , mobile autodrain dental suction unit , ultrasonic scaler unit with tips , clinical dental micro motor unit , clinical dental micro motor straight contrangle hand piece , clinical dental micro motor straight hand piece , air roter dental hand piece push button type , endo motor with apex locator , gic restorative material , dental endo files and reamers 25 mm , dental portable x ray machine , mouth mirror , composite filling instrument kit , mouth mirror probe , hand protapers 21 mm , radiofrequency machine , microdermabrasion machine , dermaroller single use , cryocan 3.5 litres , cryo gun , antral back biting forceps , antral ball probe double ended , aural foreign body forceps , aural speculum , austian retractor , blaskesley nasal forcep straight , blaskesley nasal forceps 45 degree upturned , blaskesley nasal forceps 90 degree upturned , farabeuf periosteal elevators ent , indirect laryngoscope mirror small , indirect laryngoscope mirror large , myringotomy set , luc nasal turbinate forceps small , metal ear syringe , tympanoplasty set , dcr set , tracheostomy set , micro laryngeal scope set , tilley nasal forceps , endoscopy camera , suction septal elevator and stillet , led monitor , ent operating surgeon chair , ent head band with light , otoscope , nasal endoscope , tonsillectomy set , nasal foreign body hook , nasal polyp forceps , nasal speculum thudikem , tongue depressor big , tongue depressor small , septal elevator frees , wax hook , cataract instrument set , endoscopy stand ss with tv monitor , functional endoscopic sinus set , bone nibular medium , bone nibular small , bone rongeur forceps , cannulated drill bit 2.5 mm , cannulated drill bit 3.5 mm , cannulated drill bit 4 mm , cannulated screw driver 3.5 , cannulated screw driver 4.5 , drill bit 1 mm , drill bit 1.6 mm , drill bit 2.5 mm , drill bit 3.2 mm , drill bit 3.5 mm , drill bit 4 mm , periosteal elevators 10 mm , periosteal elevators 12 mm , periosteal elevators 20 mm , periosteal elevators 3 mm , periosteal elevators 6 mm , small fragment bone set , large fragment set , 4 mm 30 arthroscope , hemiorthroplasty set , nail removal set , big front kwire cutter , big side kwire cutter , bone curette , bone cutter large , bone file , bone marrow needle , bone nibular large , c clamp , chisel 12 mm , chisel 3 mm , chisel 6 mm , chisel 8 mm , cobbs elevator 16 mm , cobbs elevator 8 mm , osteotome curved 12 mm , osteotome curved 20 mm , osteotome curved 3 mm , osteotome curved 6 mm , osteotome curved 8 mm , osteotome straight 12 mm , osteotome straight 20 mm , osteotome straight 3 mm , osteotome straight 6 mm , osteotome straight 8 mm , periosteal elevators 10mm , listers pop cutting scissors , mallet 500grm , mallet 750grm , external fixator set large , homan retractor size 10 , homan retractor size 6 , homan retractor size 8 , nailing set , plate bender for 3.5 plate , ptate bender for 4.5 plate , plate bending press , plate holding forceps large , plate holding forceps medium , plate holding forceps small , pointed c clamp reduction forceps for proximal , pointed reduction forceps , pop spreader , screw driver 3.5mm , screw driver 4.5mm , tension band wi
Tender For bid to ras tender for supply of kitchen inside equipment for patient food court - 4x4 feet ss table with two racks hight 3 feet ss gread 202 gaz 20 , 2.5x3.5 feet dosa tawa feet hight 3 feet ss gread 202 gaz 20 , two bruner bulk rang 2.5x4 feet hight 1.5 feet ss gread 202 gaz 20 , two bruner bulk range 2.5x4 feet hight 3 feet ss gread 202 gaz 20 , 1.8x.5 feet work table hight 3 feet ss gread 202 gaz 20 , deep freezer chest 800ltr , hand wash 2.5x2 feet hight 3 feet ss gread 202 gaz 20 , pickup table 1.5x6 feet hight 3.5 feet ss gread 316 gaz 18 , sink with table 2.5x5 feet hight 3 feet ss gread 202 gaz 20 , 6 container masala trolley with 1 under shelf ss gread 202 gaz 20 with wheel , commercial wet grinder 10ltr , pulverizer machine 2hp , idli steamer gas electric 108pcs ss body , 20ms oven solo , under conter chiller 2.5x5 feet hight 3 feet ss gread 202 gaz 20 , under conter chiller 2.5x6 feet hight 3 feet ss gread 202 gaz 20 , electric 2 dack oven 1 dack 1tray , under counter glass dishwasher with rinse injector dosing pump , preethi x pro 1300 wats
Tender For various furnishing and polishing works at various dept of kem hospital - various furnishing & polishing works at various dept. of kem hospital, crash cart trolley, customized crash cart trolley, crash cart trolley, steel cupboard, six cabinet locker, revolving chair, revolving chair, revolving chair, rolling chair, counterheight adjustable chair, counterheight adjustable chair, crash cart trolley, office chair, single patient shifting trolley, ss revolving stool with backrest, saline stand, partition ward 20 epr l82" x h 124", polisihing & repairing of benches (16 nos) in sqft, polisihing & repairing of tables (6 nos), polisihing & repairing of stools(9 nos), polisihing & repairing of chairs (4 nos), polisihing & repairing of partition door (1 nos), partition sheet change, standing fan, ss revolving stool
Tender For repair and overhauling service - 4254 installation of new equipment and degutting of aber equipment onboard ins kora; aber equipment; no; buyer premises-1 degutting of deep fat fryer job 1, (a) marking of cables prior de-connectorisation, (b) de-connectorisation of power supply from the jds/dbs as indicated by ss. precaution, to be exercised while working on jb and work to be carried out in presence of ship staff to, ensure that the said jb is not live., (c j degutting of all associated power and interface cables., (d) loosening/ removal of al foundation bolts for degutting of the equipment. any hot, work/heat assistance required for opening/cutting of foundation bolts is to be catered by, (e) removal of all equipment and subassemblies from foundation and shifting of item to, place as indicated by nsry (svp). assistance in form of crane. fork lift, trailer etc will be, provided by nsry (svp), however, slings, d shackles or any other lifting setup required, is to be catered by vendor., (f) gland packing is to be undertaken post degutting of cables at all effected locations with, compound as indicated, installation of new deep fat fryer, (g) placement of the equipment at the indicated location/foundation by using chain, pulley/trolley etc. due caution is to be exercised so as to not damage the new equipment, while shipping., i(h) tightening of foundation bolts post placement of the equipment, i(j) laying of cables as per bpslwlds from various interfaces/dbs/jbs as indicated, (k) marking of the cables is to be undertaken to identity to and from of the cables, (i) putting of new cable trays for securing of the cables with aluminum clamps and nut, bolts., (m) manufacture and fitment of metallic cable and equipment tallies as per dimension and, test provide by nsry(svp), 2 degutting of cooking range oven with control panel 14.5 kw job 1, (a) marking of cables prior de-connectorisation, (b) de-connectorisation of power supply from the jds/dbs as indicated by ss. precaution, to be exercised while working on jb and work to be carried out in presence of ship staff to, ensure that the said jb is not live., (c) degutting of all associated power and interface cables., (d) loosening/ removal of al foundation bolts for degutting of the equipment. any hot, work/heat assistance required for opening/cutting of foundation bolts is to be catered by, (e) removal of all equipment and subassemblies from foundation and shifting of item to, place as indicated by nsry (svp). assistance in form of crane. fork lift, trailer etc will be, provided by nsry (svp), however, slings, d shackles or any other lifting setup required, is to be catered by vendor., (f) gland packing is to be undertaken post degutting of cables at all effected locations with, compound as indicated, installation of new cooking range oven with control panel 14.5 kw, (g) placement of the equipment at the indicated location/foundation by using chain, pulley/trolley etc. due caution is to be exercised so as to not damage the new equipment, (h) tightening of foundation bolts post placement of the equipment, (j) laying of cables as per bpslwlds from various interfaces/dbs/jbs as indicated, (k) marking of the cables is to be undertaken to identity to and from of the cables, (i) putting of new cable trays for securing of the cables with aluminum clamps and nut, bolts., (m) manufacture and fitment of metallic cable and equipment tallies as per dimension and, test provide by nsry(svp), 3 degutting of cooking range 7 kw job 1, ja) marking of cables prior de-connectorisation, (b) de-connectorisation of power supply from the jds/dbs as indicated by ss. precaution, to be exercised while working on jb and work to be carried out in presence of ship staff to, ensure that the said jb is not live., i(c) degutting of all associated power and interface cables., (d) loosening/ removal of al foundation bolts for degutting of the equipment. any hot, work/heat assistance required for opening/cutting of foundat