Tender For corrigendum : laying of additional gi pipe for borewells at mangalawarapete basavana gudi street adhijambava colony kuvempunagara avarthapura shetti halli kote kalanagara syed wadi mahalakshmi badavane patanwadi and jeevanpura and laying of additional cable for borewells at mangalawara pete basavanagudi street adhijambava colony kuvempunagra avarthapura shettihalli and kote in channapatna cmc limits
Tender For supplying electrical materials and repair maintenance services at. grampanchayat nighoje tal khed dist pune - supplying and erecting modulartype switch6a / 10a, supplying and erecting street light bracket for erection ofsingle fitting made from 40 mm. dia b class g.i. pipe 1.0 m in length, providing cement concrete foundation including excavationfor the poles 60 cm x 60 cm x 1.5 m deep in 1:3:6 cement concrete (20 x 25 mm stone metal) and 45 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm/45 cm dia. x 45 cm height plinth duly plastered and with necessary curing and finishing in an approved manner.(for 8.5 to 9 m poles) (16-3-2), supplying and erecting steel tubular swaged pole 139.7 x 114.3 x 88.9 mm. dia with 4.5x3.65x3.25 mm thickness (4.5 + 1.75 + 1.75m) length respectively and total 8 m long with pole cap, base plate in provided foundation.(weight 101 kg.) as per specification no.oh-pl/stp, supplying and erecting street light bracket made from 25mm. dia b class g.i. pipe, 0.6m. in, supplying and erectingled street light fitting suitable for 36w to 40w led street light, including lamp, with pf > 0.95 class ip 65 ., supplying and erecting led street light fitting suitable for 50w lamp, including lamp, with pf > 0.95 class ip 65., supplying and erecting led street light fitting suitable for 60w lamp, including lamp, with pf > 0.95 class ip 65., supplying and erectingled street light fitting suitable for 90 w led street light, including lamp, with pf > 0.95 class ip 65., supplying and erecting led flood light fitting of 120w, including lamp, with pf > 0.95,class ip 65, supplying and erecting led flood light fitting of 150w, including lamp, with pf > 0.95,class ip 65, providing rental basis hydraulic bucket vehicle of hight 13 mtr. and weight capacity 200 kg. with driver, oprator and disel etc. for per day basis, providing rental basis hydraulic bucket vehicle of hight 13 mtr. and weight capacity 200 kg. with driver, oprator and disel etc. for per day basis, labour chrages for led fitting on street light or ms light pole., dismentaling charges -led street light of pole., 1.25 mm crca sheet metal enclosures box for timmer and mcb, supplying pvc insulated pvc round sheathed 1.5 sq.mm, supplying & laying armoured cable 4c x 6 sq.mm., supplying & laying armoured cable 4c x10 sq mm, supplying & laying armoured cable 2c x 10 sq mm, supplying & laying armoured cable 4c x 16 sq mm, supplying, erecting & marking spmcb 6a to 32a, b- series (for lighting) 5-3-3, supplying, erecting & marking dpmcb 6 a to 32 a bseries (for lighting) 5-3-7, supplying and erecting programmable digital almanactimer microcontroller based with real time clock to operate on derived switching on & switching off street light as per daily sunset and sunrise respectively, supplying & erecting crimping type aluminium lugs for cable upto 16 sq mm complete, supplying & erecting crimping type coper lugs for cable upto 1.5 to 6sq mm complete , supplying and erecting two pole power contactor 250v 32a for time switch complete erected on wooden block/provided box, with necessary materials. 4-4-3, supplying & erecting mains with2x1.5 sq.mm f.r copperpvc insulated wire laid in provided conduit/trunking/inside pole., supplying and erecting mains with isi mark wp2 x 6 sq. mm. 1100 v. grade aluminium pvc insulated pvc sheathed wires on g.i. bearer wire no. 8 swg 1-4-3, supplying and erecting mains with isi mark wp2 x 2.5 sq mm. 1100 v. grade aluminium pvc insulated pvc sheathed wires on g.i. bearer wire, supplying and erecting mains with isi mark wp2 x 10.00 sq mm. 1100 v. grade aluminium pvc insulated pvc sheathed wires on g.i. bearer wire, 25 amp, 32 amp three phase l/t contactor, 2.5 sq. mm multistand copper wire, insulation tape, water proof tape, street light pole box frp, cement street light pole clamp, m.s. street light pole clamp, led street light arm bend pipe, small size frp box for mcb, big size frp box for mcb, supplying and laying (including excavation of
Tender For purchase and repair of materials for street lights and solar lights within the limits of mouje marunji gram panchayat. - hhgh, supplying and erecting modulartype switch6a / 10a isimark approved make duly erected on provided plate and box with wiring connections complete.(8-1-2), supplying and erecting street light bracket for erection ofsingle fitting made from 40 mm. dia b class g.i. pipe 1.0 m in length along with pole cap of 300 mm length 100 mm dia duly welded as per specification no., providing cement concrete foundation including excavationfor the poles 60 cm x 60 cm x 1.5 m deep in 1:3:6 cement concrete (20 x 25 mm stone metal) and 45 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm/45 cm dia. x 45 cm height plinth duly plastered and with necessary curing and finishing in an approved manner.(for 8.5 to 9 m poles) (16-3-2), supplying and erecting steel tubular swaged pole 139.7 x 114.3 x 88.9 mm. dia with 4.5x3.65x3.25 mm thickness (4.5 + 1.75 + 1.75m) length respectively and total 8 m long with pole cap, base plate in provided foundation.(weight 101 kg.) as per specification no.oh-pl/stp, supplying and erecting steel tubular swaged pole 165.1 x 139.7 x 114.3 mm. dia with 4.5 x 4.5 x 3.65 mm thickness ( 5 + 2 + 2m ) length respectively and total 9 m long with pole cap, base plate in provided foundation (weight 147 kg) as per specification no. oh-pl/stp, supplying and erecting steel tubular swaged pole 165.1 x 139.7 x 114.3 mm dia. with 4.5 x4.5 x3.65 mm thickness (5.60 + 2.7 + 2.7 m) length total 11 m long with pole cap, base plate in provided foundation (weight 175 kg.) as per specification no. . oh-pl/stp, supplying and erecting street light bracket made from 25mm. dia b class g.i. pipe, 0.6m. in lengthalong with polecap of 300 mm length and 80 mm dia duly welded with provided leads as per specification, supplying,tpmcb 40a to 63a in provided distribution board, providing pair of duly tested rubber hand gloves as per is:4770 suitable for working upto 22kv supply., supplying and erecting insulated d.p. switch surface type/flush type 32a 240vwith indicator lamp & fuse, supplying h.c. pattern porcelain fuse bridge swith base & hc type fuse links240v 32a, supplying and erecting programmable digital almanactimer microcontroller based with real time clock to operate on derived switching on & switching off street light as per daily sunset and sunrise respectively, 1.25 mm crca sheet metal enclosures with 20a., supplying pvc insulated pvc round sheathed 1.5 sq.mm (30 no. x 0.25 mm dia.) 3 core flexible multi stranded copper industrial cable for voltage grade up to 1.1 kv (1-3-29), supplying and erecting led street light fitting suitable for 60w lamp, including lamp, with pf > 0.95 class ip 65 and above housing of pressure die cast alluminium alloy and heat sink 2-9-5, supplying and erectingled street light fitting suitable for 26w to 36w led street light, including lamp, with pf > 0.95 class ip 65 and above housing of pressure die cast alluminium alloy and heat sink 2-9-5, supplying and erectingled street light fitting suitable for 90 w led street light, including lamp, with pf > 0.95 class ip 65 and above housing of pressure die cast alluminium alloy and heat sink 2-9-5, supplying and erecting led flood light fitting of 120w, including lamp, with pf > 0.95,class ip 65 and above housing of pressure die cast aluminium alloy and heat sink extruded aluminium complete per specification no fg odf/fls-2, supplying & laying pvc armoured cable 4core 6sq mm, supplying & laying pvc armoured cable 4core 10 sq mm 7-1-15, supplying & laying pvc armoured cable 2core 10 sq mm, supplying & laying pvc armoured cable 4core 16 sq mm, supplying, erecting & marking spmcb 6a to 32a, b- series (for lighting) 5-3-3, supplying, erecting & marking dpmcb 6 a to 32 a bseries (for lighting) 5-3-7, supplying, erecting & marking tpmcb 6 a to 32amp in provided distribution board 5-3-14, supplying, erecting & marking fpmcb 40a to 63a in provided
Tender For work of providing ,laying ,jointing of hdpe pipe line at various rwss and replacement of old pumpsets, gi pipes, panal board, sub cable, sluice valves, at various rwss and deepening of sources at various rwss under sub div jhotwara, jaipur
Tender For providing, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of 63 & 75 mm dia hdpe pe-100, pn-6 1580mtr.& 100 mm dia g.i. pipe 0mtr. & providing connection in house hold and public instiutions-21 nos with valve specials and all fitting i/c all allied civil works complete with 06 months trial run operation & maintanace for 06 months. and at village -tadwada, block-bhairamgarh, district - bijapur. under jal jeevan mission - single village scheme..( 2nd call ) ( risk & cost )
Tender For providing, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of 63 & 75 mm dia hdpe pe-100, pn-6 2661mtr.& 100 mm dia g.i. pipe 12 mtr.& providing connection in house hold and public instiutions-46 nos with valve specials and all fitting i/c all allied civil works complete with 06 months trial run operation & maintanace for 06 months. and at village -tadmendri, block-bhairamgarh, district - bijapur. under jal jeevan mission - single village scheme.( 2nd call ) ( risk & cost )
Tender For design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of mechanical equipment at bhobha mps 1-, submersible sewage non-clog vertical pump, , ms pipe :-, , lowering, laying, jointing & welding in position to correct line & level m.s. pipe with outer gunniting & inside lining/epoxy painting on pedestal or chairs upon prepared formation or prepared bedding in trenches the rates include conveyance from store to site of work loading, unloading, joint plastering, hydrotesting etc.complete, , sluicevalve, , refluxvalve, , lowering,layingandjointinginpositionfollowingc.i/d.frefluxvalves,butterflyvalves,sluicevalvesandairvalveincludingcostoflabour,jointing,material,includingnutboltsandgivingsatisfoctoryhydraulicstesting etc complete:- for sluive valve & nrv, , expansionbellows, , pressureguage, , ultrasonic type level transmitter with integral display, , sitcoflvmccpaneltotallyenclosed,dust&berminproof,indoortype,minimumdegreeofprotection-ip52asperis:2147,operationon3-phase,4wire,415v,50hz,neutraleffectivelygrounded,withinstrumentationcompartmentsaccomodatingledtypeindicatinglamps,controlcontactorsasperis:13947,ctofaccuracyclass-iasperis:2705,relays,meters&controlmcbs,airinsulatedelectroliticgradealuminumbusbarforthreephase&neutralsystemwithincommingbreaker-microprocessorbasedaircircuitbreakers(electricallyoperateddrawouttype)/airbreakfixedtypemccbwithtripfreemechanism,currentlimitingtypeasperis:8828,motorcontractor(aspertype-2coordination),overloadrelaywithbuilt-insinglephasingpreventionfeature&auxiliaryfeedersasperslddrawings,momentarycontacttypepushbuttons,equipmentfittings,busbars,cableboxes,cablegland,incoming&ougoingcableconnectionfor1100vgrade,aluminium/copperconductorxlpe/pvcinsulated&pvcsheathedarmouredcable,10%spareterminals,powerwiringusing1100vgrade,frlsinsulatedcopperconductorwiresconformingtois:694&8130,cablecompartments/alleysofminimum300mmsize,gi/alearthbusbarforentirelength.mccshallbefabricatedfromcoldrolled,coledannealed(crca)sheetsteel&minimumthicknessofvariousmembersshallbeasfollows:baseframe/channel/glandplate:3mm,loadbearingmembers/doors:2mmandinternalpartitions: 1.6 mm. microprocessor based soft starter with built-in by pass contactor,semiconductorfuses,harmonicfilters,castresintypect,digitalmfm,analogueammeter&minimum10channeltemperaturescanner with rs 485 communication port - 75 kw, ,
Tender For supply of ptz cameras , led monitor , ip based network thermal imaging cameras , pole mounting stand 10 mtrs , cctv camera power supply , supply, laying of cctv cable in existing cable trenches through pipes , client workstation with graphic card , server with 20tb storage capacity , turnstiles with door controllers , biometric reader , smart cards , server , software for access control system , 24 port l2 or l3 manageable switch , supply of cat-6-utp cable , single information outlet with smb having shutter facility , supply of cat 6 utp patch cord-1mtrs , supply of cat 6 utp patch cord-3mtrs , 24 port cat 6 utp jack panel with cable manager , 6 core sm double sheath, csta, unitube, outdoor cable , sc-lc duplex fibre patch cord , 6 port sm liu fully loaded with 06 simplex sc couplers and 06 sc connector , 19 inch 6u 600mm depth rack with accessories , 42u rack with 1000m depth with accessories , hdpe pipe 32 mm , pvc pipe , casing and capping , supply of gi pipe , fixing of 24 port utp cat6 jack panel , fixing of rack , fixing of liu , digging of hard soil , sc connectorisation per core , fiber laying per meter , laying of utp cable per meter , fixing of information outlet per unit , 2 kva ups with 60 min backup , transceiver , supply of rj-45 connectors as per requirement , newn junction boxes , supply of telephone exchange , supply of 2 kva ups with 1 hr back up , cli telephone instruments , supply of telephone cable 2 pair 0.5mm stealth with polythene cover , 50 pair mdf with modules, metal enclosure with lock and key , 100 pair mdf with modules, metal enclosure with lock and key , 200 pair mdf with modules, metal enclosure with lock and key , supply of rj-11 boxes , supply of casing and capping per meter 1.5 inch , laying of telephone cable along with casing and capping , installation and commissioning charges
Tender For corrigendum : supply of - motor point machine for railway yard trs- motor point machine for railway yard trs description of materials and execution for installation, wiring & testing to operate the point machine at nalco rly yard as per eco.railway sepcfification. 1. supply of electric point operating machine 143mm non trailable to operate on 110v dc complete with lock detector, point junction box along with telescopic pipe and slides for lock and detector- rotary locking. universal type as per specification no: irs/s/24/2002 with latest amendment and drg. no.: rdso/s: 10800 (foc motor) along with standard tool kit set for every 4 point machines. (1no.) 2. supply of ground connection set complete suitable for rotary locking type irs electric point machine as per drg. no. s-3262 for 60kg rail with insulating materials with insulation materials. (1 set) 3. supply of junction boxes with covers and terminal plates 24/30 way to suit drg. no. 236967/1 (as amended up to date) and irs: s-10/78. this includes supply of pbt terminal. (1 nso.) 4. transportation, installation of point machine on ms plate fixed on wooden/psc/steel sleeper complete with fixing of anti-theft arrangement, "d" bracket, junction boxes, connection including smithy works involved for ground connection, including riveting/welding of angle cleats, termination of cables. preliminary adjustment for operation of points by crank handle oiling, greasing, painting and lettering as required. this also includes supply and fixing telescopic arrangement using gi pipes of required dia for provision of wires from junction box to point machine.(1 no.) 5. wiring and testing of electric point machine as per the wiring diagram supplied by the railway. this also includes the connection of electric point machine and fixing of insulation materials and providing two numbers of seven lever ( 7 lever) goderj locks with three keys each, per machine for outside cover, fixing arrangement of crank handle interlocking in point machine, and fixing of e type lock ( if required).(1nos.) 6. supply of steel apparatus case large size as per drg. no.- con/sk/1/186/ and spec no irs:s-10/78 (adv) with latest amend. with "e" type lock & key of ward no.-32 with handle. (1 nos.) 7. transportation, excavation of pit, casting of foundation, plastering and erection of steel apparatus case (full) with fixing of e-type lock, wiring, cable entry, termination, clamping filling cable pit with sand, painting and lettering etc., as per drg no. s & t/con/sk/16. this included earth work and/or masonry work required for securing the apparatus case as per site condition including supply of all required materials wire coils 6 way terminal pbt hylam sheet, wooden plank etc. (1 no.) 8. pvc insulated amoured, unscreened, underground railway signaling cable as per specification no. irs:s63/2014(rev.4.0) 12/core (250 mtrs) 9. excavation of trenches of depth 1.0m including clearing of roots and trees etc. for all types of soil. this work also including covering of cables laid in trench and backfilling, ranning and consolidation of soil as well as disposal of extra soil after cable is laid as specified in guidelines on signaling cable laying given by rdso and any latest circular.(100 mrtrs) 10. track crossing by horizontal boring method as per technical specification of manual as per feasibility of site condition including supply of dwc pipe or hdpe pipes. (18 mrts) 11. laying of signaling cable/power cable to extend the power of all sizes in excavated trench, etc. (0.5 km) 12. supply, transportation, installation, testing and commissioning of earth electrode, construction of cement enclosure to drg. no. con/sk/t/9a and drawl of 6 swg wire or 2 nos. of 8 swg wires from each electrode to place advised by the site engineer including fixing and soldering of lugs and measuring, painting of the earth resistance etc. (1 nos.) 13. supply of smr ower panel (minl ips) having smr module03 nos., dca card01, dc-dc convertor