Tender For corrigendum : supply of liquid chlorine for raw water pre-treatment & cooling water treatment and for drinkingwater system in phased manner for a period of one year at godavari gas power plant, jegurupadu
Tender For tender for the work of providing, laying and linking of 100 x 100mm dia water supply pipeline at beml 10th stage, 2nd phase, coming under ideal homes service station of aee w2-1 sub-division.
Tender For work of replacement of 100 mm dia ci line by 100 mm dia di water supply line to reduce ufw and to improve water supply facilities to green leaf layout, friends colony, st bed, koramangala coming under koramangala service station 2 of aee se 5 sub division
Tender For techno economic viability study for the project of hyderabad metropolitan water supply and sewerage board for implementation of automated smart water valves project to modernizing the water distribution system by integrating advanced technologies.