Tender For providing medium lift irrigation project to changer area from anandpur hydel channel (dabat pump house) in tehsil sh. naina devi ji district bilaspur (sw: providing laying jointing and testing of dismantling and relaying of gl & di pipe various dia encountered with railway track near various villages kot. neelan, dharot. behrda. dollan and kanguwali (sh: excavation for welding purpose to remove leakage from 6 nos rising main at various points under zone i.e. ia,ib, ic, id,2a and 2b).
Tender For a/r&m/o medium lift irrigation project to changer area from anandpur hydel channel (dabat pump house) in tehsil sh. naina devi ji district bilaspur (sh: repair of 350 hp, 4 stages centrifugal pump set m&p make set no.1 zone no. 2a).
Tender For restoration of rain damages to flow irrigation scheme bedal in gp nainikhad tehsil bhattiyat distt. chamba (h.p) (sh:- c.c lining for pucca main channel at rd 1090 to 1590-500 rmt)
Tender For remodeling of flow irrigation scheme laharu in tehsil bhattiyat distt. chamba himachal pradesh (sh:- construction of head weir. construction of pucca main channel at rd 1100 to 1320 = 220 rmt
Tender For construction of pucca irrigation channel 150 rmt. (dhananjoy mondal) at mouza-duberdanga,jl no.-5,plot no.-3758,gp-barsal under (wdc-pmksy-2.0-bnk-04/2021-2022)
Tender For restoration of irrigation system for effective water regulation including monitoring and management on guntur channel from km 0 000 to kn 14 400 and its distributaries
Tender For installation of tubewell at jorehira village near irrigation channel on plot no 1050 jl no 35 in jirrah gp within chhatna panchayat samity under 15th cfc fund (2024-25) (activity code- 109166877)
Tender For maintenance and running repairs from ch. 446.00 to ch. 650.00 of dmc from ch. 0.00 to ch. 65.00 of haripur village channel, from ch .0.00 to 45.00 of sujapur w/c of dmc and from 0.00 to ch. 70.00 of w/c 1406 of lbmc in connection with boro irrigation
Tender For operation and maintenance of regulator gates for boro irrigation for the year of 2025 of ch. 0.00 of escape channel and dy/a under headworks section of d.c. no. ii sub-division in block-galsi-i p.s.-budbud.
Tender For maintenance and running repairs of canals dy/a from ch. 0.00 to ch. 100.00, village channel from 0.00 to ch. 100.00 (tail), w/c 738 from ch. 0.00 to ch. 28.00 (tail) during the period of boro irrigation 2025 under headworks section of d.c. no. ii sub