Tender For corrigendum : labour charges for replacement of defective clamping cylinder of wagon tippler 1 2 3 available in mmsd i of chp dr mvr rtpp for the year 2025 26
Tender For corrigendum : hiring of jcb hydraulic excavator and hiring of tractor for transportation of boulders foreign materials and scrap from jt 2 3c pent house jt 4 crusher house jt8 jt9 and jt 11 and also removal of boulders rocks and ms scrap at wagon tippler 3 hoppers stacker yard rc yard removal coal from bulged wagons and lifting of spilled over coal underneath the wt 3 platform and lifting of coal in s r yard rc yard which was not possible with dozer in chp rtpp for the period from 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2026
Tender For fabrication and replacement of mother plates and liner plates for all vibro feeder troughs, hoppers, tippler platforms and hopper grills of wagon tippers-1,2,3 available in mmsd- i/ chp/dr.mvr rtpp for the year 2025-26
Tender For supply, installation, erection, aligning, commissioning of new 2hp and 10hp(submersible) de- watering pumps along with fittings and pipes at wagon tippler 1,2, 3and con 8a/b at chp-1