Tender For providing of supply and installation of liquid besd physicology machine - supply and installation of liquid besd physicology machine , supply and installation of electrophorsis apatos , supply and installation of grajuated cylinder for verious sapecity raning fram 100 cc to 1000 co , supply and installation of whote plate , supply and installation of digigal sklr at list 20 megapixel with micro, mecro, wide , supply and installation of digital perafin dispencing module cold plate holdingmore than 1000 ca , supply and installation of balance chemical with vetus , supply and installation of microscope , supply and installation of processing station (stenless still, with control panel. air filtration syste , supply and installation of three part fully automated sel counter , supply and installation of quaglemter , supply and installation of weight machine adult , supply and installation of seltaras baby weight machin , supply and installation of harpenden calybar , supply and installation of hight machuring stand , supply and installation of smart tv , supply and installation of public address system (2 portable for fild besd activity and one inch r , supply and installation of cloroscope , supply and installation of herijack approtas , supply and installation of muaac tep , supply and installation of bp apretus (digital) , supply and installation of sound level meter , supply and installation of water samplig bottle form any depth , supply and installation of nidle shudder , supply and installation of vekey carrier , supply and installation of cropt water testing kit , supply and installation of treatment kit asper national health program , supply and installation of idone testing kit , supply and installation of glucometer , supply and installation of mayseuto kaching kit , supply and installation of clinical tharmexmeter , supply and installation of fast and kit , supply and installation of autoscope , supply and installation of fast aid banding and spliting kit , supply and installation of basic cpr half body nanikin with monitor , supply and installation of advance infut cpr training modul , supply and installation of advance child cpr training modul , supply and installation of imbriyo model , supply and installation of fetas with vhisera and plesenta , supply and installation of the development process of fetas , supply and installation of female internal and external genital orgon model , supply and installation of gayenology examination model , supply and installation of brist examination model , supply and installation of fertilizan process model , supply and installation of female cattithretion training modul , supply and installation of male cattithretion training modul , supply and installation of adult instra mescular injection modul , supply and installation of adult sub cantiview injection training modul , supply and installation of adult instra venious injection training modul , supply and installation of new bonr baby model , supply and installation of unisex torso 23 part 85 cm , supply and installation of computer system , screw 850 half threded
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of cation conductivity meter/ stage-v & analytical balance of make mettler toledo, sartorius/radwag for use at chemical lab
Tender For supply of folding table rectangular table, size-1200 mm x 600 mm x 750 mm. design-quick folding, light weight and portable construction designed to provide balance, stability and support the ends of table, tubular steel construction frame assembly electrically seam welded resistance to acid /chemical ? stain a nd weather, product should be termite and boiling water proof, uv stabilized, weight bearing capacity-100 kg. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For tender for supply of chemistry lab kit-staining rack wooden , dispancing balance , bunsen burner with stop cork , rubber tubbing 8 mm , test tube 15x125 , test tube stand plastic , test tube holder brass , reagent bottle 125 ml nm sg , dropper 6 plastic , glass rod 6 , funnel 3 plastic , delivery tube sett , watch glass 3 nano , litmus pape red , litmus pape blue , ph paper 1-14 200 lives , filter paper 12.5 cm dr. watt , spatula 6 ordinary , meaurning cyulinder 100 ml plastic , seprating funnel 250 ml bsg , tripod stand 6x4 , wire gauze with frame , retort stand 8x5 , fishel clamo iron , universal clamp croom plated , china dish 3 porcelin , behive self 3 , pipette 10 ml gr. bsg , beaker 100 ml bsg , flask conical 100 ml bsg , wash bottle 500 ml plastic , flask 100 ml vol. bsg , atomic model 120 ball , chemical sett , starch paper , ruber cork set , test tube 6x1 , model of diamond , model of graphite , model of sodium , safety googles , nuclear chain , orbit of atom , structuture of atom , lab cot