Tender For 1. construction of relay room , ips room & battery room of size 9.69m x 4.0m in connection with execution of interlocking of manned lc gate no. dd-62 at km 967/8-9 (drz-gudum) of raipur division.2. construction of rcc overhead tank of 100000 litre capacity at bxa & 50000 litre underground water tank at drz under sse/works/balod.
Tender For supply of maximum current relay complete assembly (dl-mcr) with mechanical interlocking arran gements as per clw's spec. no.-clw/es/3/ 0059 (alt.-d) for 3-phase locomotives [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of ht bolt for front cover part no cb100d11,ht bolt for top cover part no cb100d11a,ht bolt for cable box part no cb100d11b,sensetive cbt for el relay 750ma part no cb100d2ma,current transformer for overload part no cb100d3,sensitive earth leakage relay upto 750ma part no cb100c3ma,ht bolt for top cover part no cb200d11a,ht bolt for front cover part no cb200d11,bush insulator for outgoing interlocking part no cb200d21a,sensitive cbt for el relay 750ma part no cb200d2ma,ht bolt for cable box part no cb200d11b,bush insulator for through going incomin part no cb200d21,earth leakage relay 750ma part no cb200c3ma,bush insulator for through going incom part no cb300d21,bush insulator for outgoing interconne part no cb300d21a,interlocking plunger with spring part no cb200d24,interlocking plunger with spring part no cb300d24,ht allen bolt for front cover part no cb300d11,ht allen bolt for top cover part no cb300d11a,ht bolt for cable box part no cb300d11b,neutral resistor part no sdpa00017,sensitive earth leakage relay
Tender For supply of relay, non-ac immune, plug-in-type, style qs3, dc neutral line, 12v, 1000 oh ms 4f/4b contacts, front contacts metal to carbon and back contacts metal to carbon complete with pl ug board, retaining clip & connectors conforming to brs:930a, irs:s 34 & irs:s 23. (ammendment u pto date as applicable).the interlocking code for this unit shall be cdekx. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of relay qbca1 ac immune,plug in type, style , dc baised point contractor, 24 v, 2f ( hd), 4b, contacts, front contacts, (heavy duty) and back contacts, metal to carbon, comple te with plug board, reatining clip and connectors, conforming to specification no. brs: 943 , irs: s-34 and irs:s-23 (as applicable). the interlocking code for this unit shall be bcejk. [ wa rranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of relay, ac immune plug in type. style qbca1, dc biased point contractor, 24v, 2f(hd)/4b contacts,front contacts (heavy duty) and back contacts metal to carbon,co mplete with plug board, retaining clip and connectors,conforming to specn. no.brs:943 ,irs:s-34 & irs:s-23 (with amdt. up to date as applicable). the interlocking code for this u nit shall be bcejk. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of relay ac immune, plug in type, style - " qspa1 ", dc neutral line, slow to pick up 24 v, 8f/4b contacts, front and back contacts metal to carbon, complete with plug board, retaining clipa and connectors conforming to specn. no. brs: 933a, irs: s-60, irs: s-34, & irs: s-23 (as applicable). the interlocking code for this unit shall be abdej. [ warr anty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For augmentation of ohe auxiliary transformer(at) supply arrangements in tbm cgl section in connection with provision of reliability improvement in autosection with centralization of relay interlocking in mas-gdr & msb-cgl and provision of dual detection in tbm-cgl.
Tender For sch. a - electrification work in connection with replacement of outdoor and indoor interlocking signaling gears by electronicinterlocking at jalamb station on bsl division. ; sch. b - electrification work in connection with (i) replacement of old aged panel & signaling gears of panewadi b & c cabin on a route on bsl division, (ii) replacement of outdoor interlocking signaling gears of paras relay room portable cabin by electronicinterlocking on bsl division.