Tender For special repair to 04 x toilet complex in building no p-12 and roof treatment of building no p-16 and provn of hardstanding pathway at ikwanja csd enclave, and interlocking tiles near building no p-03 under age b/r-i of ge (n) mamun
Tender For corrigendum : special repair to building no t-74, t-794 (or living) , 06 x single jcos living, provn of shed for 05 x bathing water cherry for troops, 01 x parking shed with interlocking bricks and addn / altn to certain electrical points in ilp in the aor ofage b/r-i
Tender For drain and interlocking road repair work from shohrab's house to ansar tailor and from shabbu's house to dr. sahab's house in ward 73 jamalpur.
Tender For construction work of cc drain and interlocking road repair from raju bhai's house to babu bhai's house in ward number 64, nagla patwari main road, chand bagh.
Tender For repair maintenance of sewage line, boundary line,fencing, interlocking,paver block and allied work at various locations of age hosp under ge (em) lucknow.