Tender For supply of men and machinery under flood metigation (flash floods if any) for the year 2025-26 for river jehlum including encroachment drive if any carried out on lidder nallah and its tributaries
Tender For supply of men and machinery under flood metigation (flash floods if any) for the year 2025-26 including encroachment drive if any carried out in town section under the jurisdiction of sub division anantnag.
Tender For supply of men and machinery under flood metigation (flash floods if any) for the year 2025-26 for river jehlum including encroachment drive if any carried closure of illegal ramps.
Tender For supply of men and machinery under flood metigation (flash floods if any) for the year 2025-26 including encroachment drive if any carried on veshow nallah from pahloo bridge to sangam (r/s embankment only), vethvethroo nallah from d/s etc as per nit
Tender For supply of men and machinery under flood metigation (flash floods if any) for the year 2025-26 for river jehlum including encroachment drive if any carried out for aripath section under the jurisdiction of sub division anantnag
Tender For supply of men and machinery under flood metigation (flash floods if any) for the year 2025-26 including encroachment drive if any carried out for all the nallahs under the jurisdiction of sub division dooru
Tender For annual maintenance, repairs and stage contract for supply of men and machinery incl. laying, loading, unloading of sand/dust filled bags and other flood mitigation etc. during incessant rains/flash floods if any incl. demolition drive under irrigati
Tender For annual maintenance, repairs and stage contract for supply of men and machinery incl. laying, loading, unloading of sand/dust filled bags and other flood mitigation etc. during incessant rains/flash floods if any incl. demolition drive under irrigati
Tender For corrigendum : estimate for anti depredation units to drive away elephants from village for ( including supply of crackers, flash lights , kerosene oil, siran ect), yargola dam area, watchers engaged during 2024-25 from jan-24, feb-24 & march-24 for 60 days ( each camp 4 persons ) in bangarpet range during 2024-25 (3 nos)