Tender For annual contract for general maintenance, operation and pollution control works during operation of ash slurry discharge in ash pond of 2x660 mw stage-ii, sstpp, mppgcl, dongalia distt. khandwa.
Tender For corrigendum : construction of office building for regional office pollution control board (hspcb) building at institutional plot site no 1, sector- 15, hsvp, part-ii sonepat (pdg. elv services and electrical appliances only).
Tender For renovation of electric furnace no. 7 and allied works for smooth functioning of connected air pollution control device at shanagar burning ghat.
Tender For cutting and removing grass, overgrowth of vegetation etc. at acid, phosphate, pollution control plants and other areas in fertilizer plants of fact udyogamandal.
Tender For annual maintenance of ash dyke phase-ii and ash pond management for pollution control works and operation and maintenance of shaft and approach road around ash dyke-i and ii and other work assigned at sgtps, birsinghpur