Tender For corrigendum : composite work for execution of earthwork in formation by filling and cutting, blanketing, construction of minor bridges, side drain, central drain catch water drain, protection work, p. way track linking work, p. way fitting, transportation of p. way materials, supply of ballast, construction of service buildings, construction of goomties, workshop sheds for c & w examination lines, heavy repairs sheds, proposed bogie shop, stores with shed, road work, circulating area, abrasion resistance granolithic concrete flooring, ballastless track beams, gdr pathway work, structural steel work & metalizing work etc. for barpali loading bulb at kusara under the jurisdiction of dy ce/con/jharsuguda of chakradharpur division, south eastern railway.
Tender For earthwork for excavation of trenches for laying of underground pipeline, lowering and jointing of 300mm, 350mm and 400mm diameter rcc pipes, fixing of air vent pipes, risers and construction of haudies at sri muktsar sahib
Tender For repairs to pot holes of flexible pavements, painting and earthwork in runway shoulders with allied items in runway at alg pasighat under ge (af) chabua
Tender For modernization of system ofpariyej minor in sinjiwada sectionunder the jurisdiction of sojitrairrigation sub division sojitra byproviding earthwork, c.c.linning & repairs to strucrure.
Tender For execution of earthwork in formation, construction of minor bridges, blanketing, p. way linking works including supply of p. way fittings, track ballast, psc sleeper and points and crossings, construction of ei building in connection with construction
Tender For construction and preparation of earthwork in filling with compaction, drains, boundary wall (including precast construction), roadwork and other miscellanious work, etc., for proposed bhivpuri carshed project under mutp-iiia in mumbai division of central railway
Tender For earthwork & blanketing in embankment /cutting in formation of bg line including yards, bridge approaches etc., construction of minor bridges, rub/lhs as per railway's approved design and drawing, construction of retaining/toe wall/drain, construction of station buildings, covering sheds, passenger/goods platform, passenger amenities, fob, rob, construction of service buildings/staff quarters, supply & spreading of machine crushed stone ballast, laying and linking of bg track for main line, loop lines and points & crossing etc in section/yards, transportation of p. way materials, welding of rails and other associated miscellaneous works etc. from from 26.00 km to 53.53 km near sandhasal yard (including) to timba road (including) in connection with gauge conversion of samlaya -timba (53.53 km) in vadodara division of western railway
Tender For the proposed estimate the provisions such as earthwork for side lowering, protect the sides of thodu for a total length of 45 m. d r protection wall 2.00 and 2.50 m,height