Tender For tggenco btps stage-ii i and c division removing cleaning testing and refixing of solenoids pressure transmitters vacuum transmitters pressure switches multi sensor detectors manual call points heat detectors ir flame detectors deluge valves motor operated valves analyzers chlorine leak detectors temperature gauges temperature elements rtds rio panels plcs of chlorination plant clarifier pump house plant water system ambient air quality monitoring system(aaqms) effluent treatment plant(etp) foam pump house hydrant booster pump house ac plant diesel generator set fire detection system cwpt system of unit 3 and 4 for the year 2025-26
Tender For corrigendum : supply of emergency response bdds equipment - electronic stethoseope , fiber optics surveillance device , under vehicle viewing mirror , real time viewing system , explosivetracedetector , blast lnhibitor , controlled voltage stablizer 350 kva 3 voltage stablizer with onload change over contractor and mccb , airport cleaning machine vehicle based
Tender For installation of linear heat detection cable (lhdc) system for strengthening of fire protection in cable trenches alongwith associated works at 132kv s/s, kathgodam under 220kv oandm division, ptcul, haldwani