Tender For corrigendum : supply of goods, machine tools & equipment foran international standard itotin mechanic diesel engine (md) tradeat iti bardoli, gujarat, india (package 3: mechanic diesel - files assorted sizes and types including safe edge file(20nos), flat file, second cut, flat file, bastard, grease gun, grease gun heavy duty trolley type, growler, hacksaw frame, hammer ball peen, hammer chipping, hammer copper with handle, hammer mallet, hammer plastic, hand operated crimping tool, hand vice, hollow punch set of seven pieces, insulated screwdriver, insulated screwdriver, left cut snips, magnifying glass, oilcan, philips screwdriver set of 5pieces, pipe cutting tool, pipe flaring tool, pliers combination, pliers flat nose, pliers round nose, pliers side cutting, engine wire harness connected complete with electrical equipment, diesel fuel quality test equipment set, training setup for adas systems, 4-wheel alignment set & hoist with advanced driver assistance systems (adas), training system for sensors in motor vehicles, training system for the basics of pulse generation and ignition in vehicles, training system: common rail diesel injection system, batterycharger, car jet washer with standard accessories, chain pulley block capacity with tripod stand, compression testing gauge suitable for diesel engine with standard accessories, connecting rod alignment fixture, cylinder liner-dry& wet liner, press fit & slide fit liner, different type of engine bearing model, different type of piston model, fuel feed pump for diesel, fuel injection pump (diesel)inline, fuel injection pump dismantling toolkit /universal vice, fuel injection pump ve pump/ distributor fuel rotary pump (dpc) pumps, glow plug tester, injectormulti hole type, pintle type, injector cleaning unit, injector testing set (hand tester), oil pump for dismantling and assembling., piston ring compressor, piston ring expander and remover., piston ring groove cleaner., radiator cut section-crossflow, radiator cut section-downflow, radiator pressure cap, tandem master cylinder with booster, turbo charger cut sectional view, water pump ford is mantling and assembling, workbench with bench vice and storing drawers, arbor press hand operated 2-ton capacity, drilling machine bench to drill, dual magnetization yoke, grinding machine pedestal (general purpose), hydraulic jack, pipe bending machine (hydraulic type), pneumatic rivet gun with standard accessories, tin smiths bench folder, trolley type portable air compressor, special tools and equipment, hydraulic vertical honing machine for engine cylinder and brake bore, pneumatic valve seat grinder and lapping kit, intercooler cut model assembly with air filter & housing assembly diesel engine, work benches with bench vices and storage draws to demonstrate machines, belt tensioner gauge, granite surface plate with stand and cover, marking out table, multi scan tool, spring tension tester, ammeter dc with external shunt, cylinder bore gauge, dc ohmmeter, depth micrometer, dial gauge, multimeter digital, oscilloscope, outside micrometer, outside micrometer, outside micrometer, outside micrometer, sheet metal gauge, straight edge gauge (2ft.), straight edge gauge (4ft.), surface gauge with dial test indicator plunger type, tachometer (counting type), telescope gauge, temperature gauge with sensor, thermostat, timing lighter, tyre pressure gauge with holding nipple, vacuum gauge, vernier calliper, wire gauge(metric), hydrometer, engineers stethoscope, drill twist (various sizes), hand reamers adjustable, drill twist(assorted), set of stock and dies with die stock-metric, taps and dies complete sets(5types), steel rule, caliper inside with spring, caliper outside with spring, dividers with spring, engineers square, feeler gauge 20blades (metric), hand shear universal, bench lever shears, air blow gun with standard accessories, air ratchet with standard accessories, air impact wrench with standard accessories, angle
Tender For bid to ras supply of brake pad front change , brake shoe rear change , front caliper assy change , rear brake drum , ignition coil change , spark plug change , realy change , plug wire change , electronic injector repair , seat adjuster , horn assy change , steering assy , the above mentioned parts removing the veh and all reqires portion service and all new parts fitting, engine tuning electrical check and wheel alignment and balancing , rotary pump assy and feed pump removing the veh and taken to the pump house and stripping all parts and cleaning checking. injector nozzle , pump full service and assembles above mentioned burned and damaged change and full packing change nozzle fitting injector , feed pump service with kit vehcile overbeating and produce white smoke. engine required for overhauling , engine liner set change , piston change , main bearing change , bigend bearing change , thrust washer change , piston ring change , valve inlet and exhaust change , valve guide change , head gasket change , gasket kit change , crunk shaft seal change , water pump change , engine mounting pad change , oil filter change , air filter change , fuel filter change , fan belt change , timing belt change , timing tensoner change , clutch plate change , pressure plate change , release bearing change , fly wheel skimming change , fly wheel bearing change , hub seal inner and outlet change , annabond paste , radiator hose set change , front brake pad change , rear brake shoe change , suspension bush kit change , radiator repair and service , self and alternator repair and service. lathe machine works , engine bore boring and new liner fitting and boning and finishing and piston seting , crank shaft main and both bearing setting , cylinder head stripping, cleaning and old valve guide, removing and new guide fitting and valve seat, grinding, vlave fixing and head assy and pressure testing , engine assy removing the veh and stripping and cleaning all parts and engine assy and mounting the veh and self, alternator raditor fitting and veh started testing cooling labou charge , electrical system checking and wheel alignmnet and balancing , timing shain kit change , brake shoe front and change , chain sprocket kit change , kiker change , engine bore reboring, boning and finishing , the above mentioned all parts removing and new parts fitting labour charge , self starter ssy repair service with unservicable parts change, field coil, armature soldering and brush holder and brush change
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - upgrading rotating cantilever type flexural fatiguetestingmachine , upgrading double disc polishing machine
Tender For bid to ras supply of break lining change - brake lining change , clutch plate change , pressure platechange , brake booster reapir , master cylinder and change, release bearing change , air drayer repair and service ,self starter reapir and service with damged and burnedparts change , hoodlifting pump over hauling with parkingkit and seals , head lifting ramp service with seals , clutchbooster repair , gear box assembly dismantling the vehcileold clutch plate, pressure plate, release bearing removingand new clutch platem pressure plate, release bearingfitting and gear testinhg , brake shoe, brake booster clutchbooster, hood lifting pump, removing the vehicle afterreparing fitting the vehicle labour , self starter stripping,checking all parts. armature field coil, brush carrier, bendexburned. the burned parts change and self asslembled and tested , self starter repair and service with damaged andburned parts , self starter change repair and service witharmature brush plate, brush and bushes , self starter repairand serivce with burned field coil, brush carrier, bushes andbendex change , van pump repair and service withdamaged seals and packing , cylinder head gasket change ,sleave cylinder , clutch cylinder , nozzle , valve in let andexhust , cylinder head removing the veh and taken to thelathe machine shop and stripping ang checking all partsvalves , turbo charger repair and service with new kit andseals , air drayer repair and service with damaged and seals, injector service and nozzle fitting testing and calibratingwith computerised machine , the all above mentioned partscylinder head, sleeve cylinder