Tender For supply, installation and commissioning of ferrousdebrismonitor in a carry case with the cali bration and check standards, power adapter, rs232 connector with standard accessories as per technical specification enclosed. make: m/s. induke oriental-kolkata or m/s. hindusthan trade agency-kolkata or m/s. sangam enterprises-dhanbad or its similar. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of items consisting of: (1) pre mixed black magnetic particle as per,rdso/m&c/ndt/109/2 007,rev2 (october 2020)(wet method) in oil media in 500 ml dispenser operating aerosolcontainer (net con tent-400ml/280g). , qty. - 01 no. (2) white contrast paint as per bs-5044-1973 in 500 ml dispenser operati ngaerosol container (net content400ml/280g) used with visible magnetic particle for wet method inspection , qty. - 01 no. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of items consisting of 1)pre mixed black magnetic particle as per rdso/m&c/ndt/109/2 007-rev 2(october-2020) (wet method) in oil media in 500 ml. dispenser operating aerosol container(net content- 400ml/280g). 2) white contrast paint as per bs 5044/1973 in 500 ml. dispenser operating aeros ol container (net content-400ml/280g) used with visible magnetic particle for wet method inspection in t he ratio 2:1 (black: white) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]