Tender For supply of seats for lhb 2nd ac chair car coaches (78 seater). follow cushioning material either pu f oam to mmdts 19020 rev.05 with fire barrier cloth to mmdts 19021 rev.04 or silicon foam to rdso spec. rdso/2013/cg-13 with fire properties compliant to r21 hl-3 of en45545 standard., as per drawing: mdts-21 9 rev. 03 with corrigendum no.1 issued vide letter no. md35131 dt.31/01/22, packing instruction: chair car s eat( ac & nac ) : i. all protruding portions of the chair car seat should be protected with plastic cove r. 2.then complete seat and its corners / hand rest/ foot rest should be properly wrapped with biodeg radable air bubble sheet of thickness 30 micron and bubble diameter 10mm. 3. the full seat should be f urther wrapped with 3 ply corrugated paper sheet. 4. each individual chair should be covered all aro und with transparent, plain, biodegradable, polythene sheet to prevent ingress of dust/water. 5. the seat bottom frame portion should be fitted with m.s supports for its balancing, so that the chair can rest on the floor without tilting on any side. 6. the overall packing should be such that it is not dam aged during transportation of the material, the seats should be tied up in pairs only. 7. all hardware/ accessories/loose items in one coach set should be separately packed in wooden box having sufficient strength. 8. a list should be pasted on each box showing purchase order no., pl no., description of ite m, drg. no., quantity, firm name, address & date of dispatch and its contents. note : qr code is to be af fixed " near manufacturer name plate on each seat " on top of packed seat as per pi mentioned above " on top of wooden box for sr.no.7 qr code having details as listed below :1 name of the manufacturer 2 purchase order number 3 purchase order date 4 unique serial number ( or lot number for bulk items) of the manufacturer or 5 date of manufacture 6 delivery challan no. 7 delivery challan date the qr code sh all be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be available as xml using the tags detailed above. incase the above details are not available, or the qr codes are not readable, the supplied material is liable to be rejected. note : special conditions as per annexure enclosed. [ warranty period: 84 months af ter the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of coach set of fire barrier cloth for seats and back rests of lws b w2 coach,consist of the following: 1) drg.lg61228,alt-nil,item-3 for four seater to qua ntity- 20 nos. 2) drg.lg61232,alt-nil,item-3 for single seater-rh to quantity- 10 nos. 3) dr g.lg61230,alt-nil,item-3 for single seater-lh to quantity- 10 nos. 4) drg.lg61234,alt- nil,item-7 for four seater back rest to quantity- 20 nos. 5) drg.lg61237,alt-nil,item-7 for single seater back rest to quantity- 20 nos. 6) drg.mi006651,alt-c,item-6 for transverse u pper berth to quantity- 20 nos. item shall be supplied as a bundle that wrapped with suit able material to avoid water ingress and damage. [ warranty period: 72 months after the da te of delivery ]
Tender For supply of coach set of fire barrier cloth for seats and back rests of lws b w2 coach,consist of the following: 1) drg.lg61228,alt-nil,item-3 for four seater to qua ntity- 20 nos. 2) drg.lg61232,alt-nil,item-3 for single seater-rh to quantity- 10 nos. 3) dr g.lg61230,alt-nil,item-3 for single seater-lh to quantity- 10 nos. 4) drg.lg61234,alt- nil,item-7 for four seater back rest to quantity- 20 nos. 5) drg.lg61237,alt-nil,item-7 for single seater back rest to quantity- 20 nos. 6) drg.mi006651,alt-c,item-6 for transverse u pper berth to quantity- 20 nos. item shall be supplied as a bundle that wrapped with suit able material to avoid water ingress and damage. [ warranty period: 30 months after the da te of delivery ]
Tender For supply of material and execution of indoor & outdoor work for provision of electronic interlocking-msdac based automatic block signalling system between bishangarh station(excl.) to marwar kori station in connection with doubling of ln-smr-bldi section of jodhpur division of north western railway. the work involves provision of new electronic interlocking at jalore, marwar bagra, moderan, bheempura, ledarmer, marwar bheenmal, marwar kori stations along with thirteen numbers of auto signalling huts . provision of msdac parallel with dc track circuit in yards & dual msdac in block section associated works like trenching & laying of signalling and telecom cables in pre-fabricated ducts/dwc/gi pipes, supply-installation of point machines, apparatus cases, electric lifting barrier gate, signals, track circuit equipment, earthing material, data loggers, eld, fuse alarms, fire alarms, passenger amenity telecom items etc.
Tender For work contract for supply and installation of cable fire stopper barrier boards (mineral wool type) to seal ht/lt panels installed at chp, 2x500 mw, abvtps, cspgcl, janjgir-champa.
Tender For tender for supply of supply & installation of aerosol firedetection & suppression systemcartridge 20 ( 1 nos. in one icf sg nonac coach) as per technical requirementspecified in annexure-g1 of rdsospecification rdso/pe/spec/ac/0192-2018(rev-1)& rdso approved make , supply & installation of aerosol firedetection & suppression systemcartridge 20 gm- 1 no. in one lhb nonac coach on board panel in line withtechnical parameters &approved makesas per rdso specification no.rdso/pe/spec/ac/0184-2015(rev-1) , fire and water barrier tape , size- 4inch width x 75 feet long , 0.25 mmthickness , make- 3m or equivalentspecification-(1)- tape type- selfadhesive , pressure sensitive ( shallexceed aama 711 min. peeladhesion) adhesion more than 50oz/ inch(2)- surface burning- flamespread index- 10, smoke developedvalue- 10(3)- rain resistance- ( 24hour exposure ) pass (4)- servicetemp range- 40 to 116 degreecentrigrate(5)- tensile strengthmore than 2100 psi(6)- elongation -percentage more than 500 (7)-water vapour transmission-01.19perms (8)-outdoor exposure- up to12 month with no productdegradation(9)- the firm has tosubmit oem test certificate alongwith supply (10)- shall have 3 hourrating in per meter joints as perastm e2307(11)- shall have 2 hourrating in through penetrationapplication as per astm e 814 ( ul1479 ) and can /ulc -5115(12)- shallbe class 1w rated for ul waterleakage test (13)- shall be tested toastm e 90 std. test method(2)- , capacity to is:2546/1974 ammdt. 01 orlatest, painted with two coats of redcolour outside and two coats of whitecolour inside and the letter 'wr' & 'fire'in 75 mm type to be stamped on thebody of the bucket , including painting of one coat red oxideprimer paint and two coats of p.o. redenamel isi markpaint. load capacity 70kg. approx.
Tender For corrigendum : supply of set of seats & berths for lhb gs coaches. follow cushioning material pu f oam to rdso spec. rdso/2007/cg-04 rev.-01 and upholstery to rdso spec.rdso/2008/cg-07 rev.-01 without fire barrier. follow colour shade alnac-03 for upholstery. for paintin g of the visible metallic portions of seats & berths colour shade ral-9006 to be follo wed., as per drawing: mplseatgs version 0, packing instruction: all protruding portions of s eat/berth should be protected with environment friendly pre moulded thermocol cap of requisite strength or silicon rubber cap as an alternate option. each individual sea t/berth should be covered with biodegradable bubble sheet of diameter 10mm and thic kness 30 micron all round. flap of berth should be outside the bubble sheet packing le aving seat & berth mounting uncovered. then it should be wrapped all round in thick l aminated jute fabric of sufficient strength. the assembly should be tied with nylon str ips. it is further wrapped with biodegradable polythene all round to prevent ingress o f dust/water. for the following items (if covered under s&b set) the item-wise pi (latest ver.) will be as under : 1. chair angles, expanded metal partition frame,suspensi on straps, supports and mtg. bkt pi004 2. hardware items pi019 3. items like bearing bkt, chain bkt, catch arggt, hinge bkt and sleeves etc. pi020 4. ladders pi031, luggage racks pi042 a list should be pasted on each box showing po no, pl no, description, drg no, qty , firm name & address, date of dispatch etc note : firms have option to provide qr code . the item shell carry a qr code on cardboard box near the manufacturer name sticker containing the details as listed below: " name of the manufacturer " purc hase order number " purchase order date " unique serial number (or l ot number for bulk items) of the manufacturer or " date of ma nufacture " delivery challan no. " delivery challan date the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be availa ble as xml using the tags detailed above. [ warranty period: 84 months after the date of deli very ]