Tender For staytionery supply work-, tender agreement (17274) as per sample, , notice to produce documents (17278) documents, notice of deficiency, , security deposit refund form 100 paise, , measurement book (17x27x4) 100 pages regzine binding, , contingent expenses bill (17274) 100 paid, , order cover (17274) pack of 100 (100 gsm), , office note (17x27x4) pad of 100 (100 g.s.m.), , objection invitation letter (16268) pack of 100, , application letter and construction acceptance letter (17274) as per sample, , running bill form (16262) as per sample, , water / electricity certificate (17274) as per sample, , lagen book 300 pages big size, , attendance register 50 employees, , letter receipt register 200 pages, , letter departure register 200 pages, , stock register regzine binding 200 pages ledger paper /300 pages, , (16262) per second, , all other types of forms, , (16264) per second, , (17x27x2) per hundred, , (17x27x8) per second, , urban development tax / house tax amount deposited challan book per rate, , notice under rule 194 and 245 of the municipal corporation act 2009, , cash book general ledger paper reggin superior binding double accounting system, , 200 pages, , 100 pages, , cash book 100 pages ledger paper double accounting system, , stock register 200 pages general ledger paper double accounting, , general receipt book 2 copy paper with english / hindi print double accounting system, , one set of 100 pages and 100, , lined register plain (17x27x4), , two sets of 200 pages and sanmun, , three volumes of 300 pages and sanmun, , envelope (4" x 9") per hundred white / khaki no. name printed, , envelope (5"x 9") per hundred white / khaki no. name printed, , lace pad- two folders, , a4 size ream (100 gsm) (16 x 26/2), , legal size ream (100 gsm), , bag of clothes, , janam indraj register, , death register, , service book, , carbon single side, , log, book 200 pages, , file cover, , punching machine, , small, , big, , staple machine, , small, , file tags per packet (800 nos.), , big, , file less per packet(100 pieces), , file pad, , four folders, , post office, , contingency expenditure form, , p.l. form, , traveling allowance will form, , cal lag per packet(100 nos)
Tender For installation of cc cameras in municipal office and arranging of biometric attendance system for municipal staff in armoor municipality, nizamabad district
Tender For bid to ras bid to ras bid to ras corrigendum : tender for supply of attendance and access control system , elctro magnetic lock , accessories for lock fitment , metal exit button , connectivity wire and connection
Tender For operation, servicing, breakdown attendance of electrical distribution system and all electrical accessories at various buildings and places in i.i.m.c. campus joka.