Tender For selection of insurer for group term life insurance policy for salary account holders with canara bank for a period of one year from 10/04/2025 to 09/04/2026
Tender For selection of insurer for group personal accident insurance policy coverage for salaried and pension account holders with canara bank for the period of one year from 10/04/2025 to 09/04/2026
Tender For providing of group mediclaim insurance service - students, as per sow enclosed; hospitalization for accident & emergency treatments, domiciliary treatment, all pre-existing illness, as per scope of work; no,group personal accidental insurance service - students; only accidental death (not natural), permanent total disability, permanent partial disability, temporary disabilities, as sow enclosed
Tender For providing of liability insurance service - professional liability insurance policy for hiring of consultant for selection of most suitable psp out of four psps in bihar preparation of feasibility report for a period of 1 year
Tender For providing of assets insurance service - marine cum erection (mce), for 765kv ais pkg ss47t for 765400220132 kv kurawar new ss extn of 765 kv mandsaur ss extn of 400 kv ashtha shujalpur substations; property damage cover, storm, typhoon, hurricane, tornado, f..