Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - routines on portable fire extinguishers bassca and elsa sets ins onboard cg ship; any other suitable brand; no; buyer premises
Tender For supply of modular structure containerized shooting range made of annual repair five hundred,master control unit complete with systems and accessories,wireless overhead target system,firing bays nij level three protection two lanes,bullet trap system,anti ricochet treatment of side walls,anti ricochet range flooring five mm anti ricochet panels,virtual target system with facilities to project target on screen upto five hundred meters with laser detection,target protection wall to protect target system from bullet hits,overhead hanging three oblique eight inch annual repair five hundred steel ceiling baffles from firing point to bullet trap,acoustic reduction system including noise reduction ear plugs qty ten,range ventilation system,automated lighting system with associated cabling and ducting,communication system and cctv,training weapons and cartridges with ak fourty seven replica and two thousand rounds red oblique blue,fire fighting annual repairrangements fire extinguishers etc,weather proofing system,installation and commissioning of complete pro
Tender For repair of pto dump body footsteps fire extinguishers stand ,diesel and steering tank leakage arrest ,flange coupling ,retainer valve ,yoke assemblies ,all work in cat777d dumper th -4 d10772 at ashok ocp
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - annual maintenance contract for refilling recharging hydraulic pressure testing and repair along with supply of spares of different type of fire extinguishers on site available in central warehouse all over maharashtra goa ..