Tender For providing of selection of laboratories for testing of products/material - high performance liquid chromatography system and fully auto biochemistry analyzer; buyer to use custom filter to input technical specification of the product/material so that service provi..
Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - lab; equipment chemistry lab; service provider - analytical weight box 100 gm, chromatography cabinet 6 leaves, digital callorimeter with & filters, digital conductivity meter, digital do meter, kipps apparatus 500 ml, distillation app. double cap 5 litre, electronic digital balance cap.0.001gm-200 gm, electronic digital balance cap.0.01gm-600 gm, 0, heating mantle 51., 1, hot air oven size 14"x14"x14"s.s.chamber, 2, kjeldah digestion app with glass parts