Tender For sn-68 :- printed general note for animal/or general merchandise forms, in finished a-4 size i.e. 29.1 cms x21.0 cm. paper to be used maplitho paper 70 gsm conforming to is 1848/2007 or l atest amendment. the text to be printed both side in single colour as per specimen. material should b e supplied in packing of 1000 form in each bundle. the art work of printing and sample form should be got approved from consignee before bulk supply. packing :- 05-06 bundles each of 1000 form shall be packed in suitable size 5 ply%u2019 corrugated paper cartoon box conforming to is 2771 ( part-1)199 0 with amendment no.1 & 2 and style 0620 od is 6481/1971. the cartoon shall be then closed with gu m paper tap 50 mm (min.) wide and finally secured by two nos. nylon strapping of size 13 mm wide ea ch side. the edge of nylon strapping shall be heat sealed overlapping each other by minimum 25 mm. packing slip must be pasted on cartoon box indicating po no. & other details [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitt ed: max 8 lacs ]