Tender For as per work no 4 daily operation of the fountains located inside the sagar reservoir, replacement or repair of items damaged during operation, providing safety to the fountain system during operation and daily cleaning of the bottom etc in and aroun
Tender For 4. daily operation of fountains located inside the sagar reservoir, replacement or repair of damaged items during operation, providing security to the fountain system during operation and daily cleaning of the bottom etc. inside and around the sagar reservoir. - 4 ???? ????? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ????, ?????? ?? ????? ??????????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ????, ?????? ?? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??? ??-??? ????? ??????? ?? ???????? ???? ?? ??????