Tender For construction of floodcontrolembankment in hume pipe culvert d s pong dam fatehpur jassur road at rd 34.352 near the house of sher singh son of sh. kirpal singh village lahroon under mplad deposit work construction of both side retaining wall
Tender For conducting survey and providing structural design for integrated development of tadadi aghanashini waterway in kumta taluk of uttara kannada district.
Tender For viramgam - samakhiali & maliya miyana - dahinsara section- construction of additional waterway bridges under jurisdiction of senior divisional engineer (west) ahmedabad.
Tender For repair to sewerage/ drainage system (nldm, uhl, mnpr, krli & other railway colonies), bridge waterway cleaning (br.no. 69, 71, 62, 38, 1, 93, 99, 154, 228, 229, 230, 212, 243 & other bridges on sir-dlpc section) in the section of sse/w/sir & nldm under aden/sir.
Tender For conducting geotechnical investigation of additional bridges from pallahara to bimalagarh , waterway calculation & slope stability in bank and cutting in connection with talcher-bimalagarh new bg rail link project