Tender For corrigendum : tn-15280 supply of various couplings and grid springs installed in mill area for reducer main drive system, lube oil system and seal air system of ball tube mills bbd-4760 of stage iii, iv and v of kstps, kota
Tender For corrigendum : supply of various couplings and grid springs installed in mill area for reducer main drive system , lube oil system and seal air system of ball tube mills bbd-4760 of stage iii, iv and v of ktps, kota
Tender For corrigendum : supply of lifter bars and liners for ball mills - shell plate140-40,l-1320,a-220 , shell lftr bar 140- 135,l-1320 , shell lifter bar 140-135 bls , lifter bar 140-160,l-1100 feh , clamp block l-690 mm , clamp block l-100 mm
Tender For tggenco-manufacture and supply of mill shell liners in hi-chrome composition for ball tube mills bbd-4772 for unit no. ix and x (2x250mw) of ktps v stage.