Tender For rc for forbes marshall analyser spares - awa-ea360, pm board. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil inwater/phenol analyser. , part number: awa-he400, analysis flowcell. spares for forbes marshallcx6000 series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: a wa-ea209. sample temperature rtd with cable.spares forforbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: a wa-ee839s. xenon lamp box set (xenon, trigger, board, filter and box)-internal. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 se , part number:awa-ea371, xenon power supply card. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-mw101s, photo multiplier box set m board (ea360) + quartzlens d12.7(oe320)+ optical filter 320(oe2-320)+ pm guide , part number:awa-ea351, photox 2200nf. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me620, pm guide. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me630, pm holder. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me640, pm housing. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: awa-me590-d08, aperture ring dia 8mm. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number: awa-oe100, quartz disc. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number:awa-oe320, quartz lens d12.7. spares for forbes marshalicx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me650, mask for flurometer .spares for forbes marshallcx6000 series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number:awa-he450, protective tube. spares for forbes marshalicx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-ea853, o-ring for protective tube. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me993, tube brush.spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: awa-he170s, strainer set.spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number: awa-ha110, flowcell assembly consist of quartz disc, long andshort term. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series co , part number: awa ea391s, phi photo-detector no 1 for cod. spares forforbes marshall cx3000 series , cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: awa ea392s, ph2 photo-detector no 2 for cod. spares forforbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: awa-ea370, xenon power supply card. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: fgf4c2011051rtd sample tmperature rtd. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-mpa-tubeset intex, mpa analyser internal and externaltubing set consists sampling tube imtr, clean tube-2mtr <(> , part number:awa-mpa-tubeset int, mpa analyser internal tubing setconsists sampling tube imtr, clean tube-2mtr <(>&<)> pump tube , part number: awa-oe100p, quartz disc pair(b10). spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-ea330, pcx1 microprocessor without display board.sparesfor forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-oe2-550, optical filter for ph2. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: awa-ea307-fmph, mphdo card. spares for forbes marshallcx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-ea393s (ea391s+ea392s+me565), ph1 <(>&<)> ph2 set withlightguide. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/b , part number:awa-ea309_ee732-fm, rs-485 card <(>&<)> pair ofeeprom.spares forforbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: fmscan-falcon-mini24v_1,8 channel scanner, power supply24 vdc.spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/ts , part number: m4e-usb-1485, rs-485 to usb converter. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser. , part number: awa-ea330s, pcx1 microprocess
Tender For corrigendum : supply of microamp fast 96 well reaction plates , microamp optical adhesive films , genotype mycobacterium cm , genotype mycobacterium as , t75 easyflask with filter cap , t25 easyflask with filter cap , rpmi 1640 cell culture media liquid , vacuum filtration system , foetal bovine serum fbs , phorbol myristate acetate pma , nunc poly d lysine or collagen , resazurin sodium salt
Tender For supply of drona mk iii wireless sml qty 01 - processor amd 5000 series ryzen 9 5950x desktop processor 16 core and 32 thread processor with 3 point40 , ram ram 32 gb fury beast rgb ddr 4 speed upto 3733 mt by s , ssd m point2 2280 512gb pcie nvme ssd mz v7p512bw , hard disk drive hdd 2tb comma7200 rpm sata , graphics card nvidia geforce rtx 2080ti by gtx 3070 with minimum 4 ports 3x display and and 1x hdmi , mother board msi by asus mpg b550 gaming plus amd am4 m point3 x usb 2 point0 comma 2 x 3 point2 , smps asus rog strix 850 watt gold psu 24 pin commainput voltage range 220v ac commafrequency , computer chasis master box k501l rgb e compatible to the motherboard , computer cooling fan cooler master is to master liquid ml240zr rgb or higher compatible with mother board a , mouse with mouse pad logitech by dell usb mouse optical with mouse pad , keyboard logitech by dell keyboard usb keyboard 104 keys commacomfortable comma quiet typing comma , 18 point5 inches led monitor display screen size 46 point99cm 18 point5 , tplink ac 1900 , bluetooth tower speaker set 2 point0 channel output model spa9120b 80w rms 40 hz 20 khz frequency , usb bluetooth adapter for speaker , 4 port usb hub usb 3 point0 with 2 ft extended cable , output power capacity 3500 watts by 5000 va max configurable power 3500 watts by 5000 va nominal out , support usb specification revision 2 point0 comma 40 times faster transfer rate than that of usb 1 point1 , print speed black normal comma a4 up to 14 ppm commaprint speed footnote comma speed specification , recordable dvd 4 point7 gb with jewel case , recordable dvd 8 point5 gb with jewel case , projectors np p554u 5500 lumens or higher commanative wuxga 1920x1200 with aspect ratio suport 16 is to9 , webcam c270hd with adjustable mounting stand , high quality usb extender cable 2 point0 15 mtr dyeton , ir filter for 830nm laser with mouning clamps for fitting in front of web cam c270hd , auto calibration set complete with 30x ir , new port comma model f irc1 s infrared sensor card comma sensitivity area 4x3 cms , display port to hdmi convertor , hdmi cable extra guard multi conductor with both end m by f moulded connectors point , operating system win 10 pro 64 bit os latest version , microsoft office microsoft office 2010 64 bit with ms access and license , ir laser 830nm with specification operating volt 3 point5v dc wavelength 830nm beam divergence 0 point8m , weapon board details of weapon board is to 1 atmel smart sam d21 32 bit micro controller , wireless recoil board details of recoil board is to 1 samd21g1832 bit microcontroller , wpn harness wpn harness incl wiring comma sleeve and connector , hall sensors hall sensor , magnets magnets for hall sensor , hall sensors dual hall sensor , aluminium rod 50 mm dia ft 50mm dia , delrin rod black 2 inches dia ft 2 inches dia black , stainless steel pipe 1 inches dia stainless steel pipe length 17 inches both side threaded , brass reducer brass reducer 1 inches x 1 by 2 inches , pressure regulator air pressure regulator 30 bar with guage , elbow stainless steel elbow 1 internal dia with threaded , stainless steel pipe stainless steel pipe1 inches 10 ft both sided threaded , hose pipe hose pipe flexible ph 253 1 by 2 inches length 1 point5 mtr with flowing capacity 160 bar , stainless steel pipe 1 inches dia stainless steel pipe length 5 feet both side threaded , elbow 1 by 2 inches internal dia stainless steel elbow 1 by 2 inches , dummy socket 1 inches dia dummy socket ss internal thread , u type clamp ms angle t stand with u type clamp with nut bolt steel both sidethreaded 12 mm length , flow control valve flow control valve ss 1 by 2 inches , nipple stainless steel nipple 1 by 2 inches both side threaded , nut and bolt nut and bolt 11mm length 3 point5 inches with washer , shavo regulator shavo air regulator 30 kg load presure with guage , compressor industrial air compressor 30 bar model is to elgi ts 15 lb pet with 25 mtr 4 core 15 amp , pu pipe pu p
Tender For supply of boq mechanical engineering lab equipments angle gauges , screw thread micrometer , feeler gauge ,comparator stand , mechanical comparator with stand ,clinometer , gear tooth vernier , electronic weighingmachine , digital tachometer , cnc milling machine , cncturning lathe , single plate clutch , multi plate clutch unit ,centrifugal cluth unit , cut section of synchromesh gear box, model of abs brake system , model of rack and pinionsteering gear , model of power steering gear or re-circulating type worm and wheel or other type of steeringgear , model of su pump , training vehicle , automobileelectric system , brake master cylinder , sliding mesh gearbox , cut section model of 4 cylinder 4 stroke petrol engine ,ac induction motor with vfd for motorizing already existingmodels in lab , open hearth furnace with blower electric ,wood working lathe , spot welding set , electric metal cutoff saw , hand lever shearing machine , single phase arcwelding machine with eye protecting goggels black andwelding gloves , pipe threading die set , mig welding set ,tig welding set , mould making hand tools set hand rammerlifter trowels shovels vent wire hand riddle sprue pin ,moulding flasks cope and drag , bench grinder , shapermachine with standard accessories , slotting machine withstandard accessories , horizontal milling machine arbor size23mm and 32mm with standard accessories , grinderattachment for lathe , portable hand drill machine bench grinding machine (grinding wheel dia 300 mm, width38mm,bore 1 , centre height 910 mm), digital pyrometer(optical sensor radiation pyrometer for tempareturemeasurement on small target to 0.0005" (0.0127mm)accuracy: 0.5% range selectable digital display: c, f, r, k standard temperature ranges: upto 1000 c,adjustable emissivity setting: 0.01 to 1.0), metallurgicalmicroscope (the microscope should have magnification 30xto 1500x with binocular head inclined at 45 . both sidecoaxial focusing knobs, quadruple revolving nosepiece withaccurate centering and positive click stop ,large coaxialmech. stage for x-y movement of specimen, bright field illuminator 6v-20w halogen lamp with field diaphragm, filter