Tender For electrical works with power supply delivery erection and and commissioning of 1 no 9 mtr octagonal high mast tower 6x150 watt led light system with dual channel 24 hr or twilight time operation near kotalpur mondir dhar under kotalpur gp
Tender For electrical works with power supply delivery erection and and commissioning of 1 no 12.5 mtr octagonal high mast tower 8x150 watt led light system with dual channel 24 hr or twilight time operation near rahimpur play ground at rajbalhat ii gp
Tender For electrical works with power supply delivery erection and and commissioning of 1 no 9 mtr octagonal high mast tower 6x150 watt led light system with dual channel 24 hr or twilight time operation at panchberia under mundalika gp
Tender For electrical works with power supply delivery erection and and commissioning of 1 no 9 mtr octagonal high mast tower 6x150 watt led light system with dual channel 24 hr or twilight time operation near kotalpur masjidtala under kotalpur gp
Tender For bid to ras providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; l40 carry out capacity test of all battries replace defective battries with new one provide test certificated to ship; service provider,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; l41 overhauling search light and service control panel check the reflector condition and replace renew polish if damaged deteriorated; service provider,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; l42 check the flood light fitting for satisfactory operation and deterioarted of parts if any flood light securing bracket found correded and damage from bas..,repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - urja purti; l43 port da exhaust temperature not showing in lop panel suspect temperature sensor malfunctioning to be checkedrenewed and proved for satisfactory operation..,repair, maintenance, and installation of pla