Tender For corrigendum : supply of sitc of hplc system along with necessary crm, spares, consumables & auxiliaries , crm for commissioning, testing, calibrating and establishment of traceability (for the hplc system) , spares and consumables for 3 year considering 03 analysis per day
Tender For rc for forbes marshall analyser spares - awa-ea360, pm board. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil inwater/phenol analyser. , part number: awa-he400, analysis flowcell. spares for forbes marshallcx6000 series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: a wa-ea209. sample temperature rtd with cable.spares forforbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: a wa-ee839s. xenon lamp box set (xenon, trigger, board, filter and box)-internal. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 se , part number:awa-ea371, xenon power supply card. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-mw101s, photo multiplier box set m board (ea360) + quartzlens d12.7(oe320)+ optical filter 320(oe2-320)+ pm guide , part number:awa-ea351, photox 2200nf. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me620, pm guide. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me630, pm holder. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me640, pm housing. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: awa-me590-d08, aperture ring dia 8mm. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number: awa-oe100, quartz disc. spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number:awa-oe320, quartz lens d12.7. spares for forbes marshalicx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me650, mask for flurometer .spares for forbes marshallcx6000 series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number:awa-he450, protective tube. spares for forbes marshalicx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-ea853, o-ring for protective tube. spares for forbes marshall cx6000 series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number:awa-me993, tube brush.spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water /phenol analyser. , part number: awa-he170s, strainer set.spares for forbes marshall cx6000series oil in water/phenol analyser. , part number: awa-ha110, flowcell assembly consist of quartz disc, long andshort term. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series co , part number: awa ea391s, phi photo-detector no 1 for cod. spares forforbes marshall cx3000 series , cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: awa ea392s, ph2 photo-detector no 2 for cod. spares forforbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: awa-ea370, xenon power supply card. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: fgf4c2011051rtd sample tmperature rtd. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-mpa-tubeset intex, mpa analyser internal and externaltubing set consists sampling tube imtr, clean tube-2mtr <(> , part number:awa-mpa-tubeset int, mpa analyser internal tubing setconsists sampling tube imtr, clean tube-2mtr <(>&<)> pump tube , part number: awa-oe100p, quartz disc pair(b10). spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-ea330, pcx1 microprocessor without display board.sparesfor forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-oe2-550, optical filter for ph2. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: awa-ea307-fmph, mphdo card. spares for forbes marshallcx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number:awa-ea393s (ea391s+ea392s+me565), ph1 <(>&<)> ph2 set withlightguide. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/b , part number:awa-ea309_ee732-fm, rs-485 card <(>&<)> pair ofeeprom.spares forforbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser , part number: fmscan-falcon-mini24v_1,8 channel scanner, power supply24 vdc.spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/ts , part number: m4e-usb-1485, rs-485 to usb converter. spares for forbes marshall cx3000 series cod/bod/tss analyser. , part number: awa-ea330s, pcx1 microprocess
Tender For corrigendum : supply of group tender of medical equipment for histopathology, pathology, microbiology and blood bank dept. - grossing station automated , microtome- fullyautomated , lab incubator , hot air ove , ph meter , hot plate , semi automatic microtome , esr analyzer , embedding station with hot & cold table & paraffin dispenser , tissue floatation bath , lab refrigerator , electronic balance , slide filing cabinet , block filing cabinet , centrifuge , microscope binocular , microscope binocular with illumination & photography , hematology analyzer-3 part , semi automatic coagulometer , fullyautomatedcoagulationanalyzer , elisa reader with washer , vertical gel electrophoresis system , ultra deep freezer -80 deg c , cytospin , blood donor couch , blood collection monitor , dielectric tube sealer, handheld , refrigerated blood component transport box , (-40) degree deep freezer , vertical deep freezer - 20deg , ultra high speed centrifuge , plasma thawing bath , blood bank refrigerator , blood bag weighting balance- single pan , water bath , blood gas analyser , autoclave , bacteriological incubator , co2 incubator , anaerobic incubator , laminar air flow , bio safety cabinet class ii type b2 , ultrapure water purification system , fullyautomated colony counter , technical specification for compound microscope for microbiology