Tender For supply of thin walled electronic beam irradited/chemically cured cross linked thin walled flexible elastomeric cable with copper conductors(single core) size 10 sq .mm .1.8kv to rdsos specn no. elrs/spec/0019 ( rev-4) . issued on february 2018 or latest amendment for power rolling stock
Tender For supply of 50 sq.mm electron beam irradiated thin walled flexible elastomeric cable with copper c onductors for working voltage above 750 volts up to 1.8/3.0 kv as per rdso specification no. elrs/ sp ec/elc/0019 rev 4, colour in black only. rdso approved vendors/makes only. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of 95 sq.mm (black) thin walled flexible elastomeric cable with copper conductor, above 750v up to 1.8/3.0 kv as per rdso spec no. elrs/spec/elc/0019 (rev-4)
Tender For supply of 150 sq.mm red, blue & yellow colour (400 meter each) electron beam irradiation curing process or che mical curing process thin-walled flexible elastomeric cable with copper conductor suitable for rolling stock application c onforming to rdso spec.no.elrs/spec/elc/oo19, rev.4, feb-2018,1.8 kv grade. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of thin walled cable(elastomeric flexible) size: 185 sq mm along with copper conductors workin g voltage above 750v & upto 1.8/ 3.0 kv grade as per rdso spec. no. elrs/spec/elc/0019 rev. 4, 22-feb- 2018. cable to be supplied in standard length of 100 metres(+ or - 5%). [ warranty period: 30 months aft er the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of elastomeric cable size 150 sq. mm, single core, multi strand suitable for rolling stock applica tion confirming to rdso spec. no. elrs/spec/elc/0019 rev.4, 22-feb-2018. cable to be supplied in standa rd length of 100 metres(+ or - 5%). [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of 1.5 sq mm black colour, electron beam irradiation curing process thin walled flexible elastomeric cable with copper con ductor suitable for rolling stock application conforming to rdso spec no. elrs/spec/elc/0019, rev 4, feb-2018. upto 750v grade. [ warra nty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of 120 sq mm thin walled flexible elastomeric cable with copper conductors for w orking voltage above 750 volts up to 1.8/3.0 kv rdso letter no-el/2.2.37 dtd. 23.03.2009 as per rdso spe cs noelrs/spec/elc/0019 rev-4 or latest. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of thin walled electron beam irradiated flexible elastomeric cable with copp er conductors, size: 2 / 1.5 sq.mm for working voltage above 750 volts upto 1.8 kv/3.0 k v conforming to rcf's specification no.edts- 132 rev-'c' data sheet-4 with amdt. no. 1,2 & 3. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]