Tender For supply of equipment for basic science laboratory - quinckes tube , torsional pendulum , hall effect experiment , stadiometer , refrigerator , r o water purifier , harpenden calliper , polygon law of forces apparatus , verification of lamis theorem , simply supported beam apparatus , inclined plane setup , bell crank lever apparatus , moment of inertia of flywheel setup , screw jack setup combined , wheel and axial setup , worm and worm wheel setup , reynolds apparatus , bernoullis theorem apparatus , mouthpiece orifice , impact of jet on vanes , triangular rectangular notch , venturi meter and orifice meter , friction factor apparatus miner losses , centrifugal pump constant speed , tachometer , kaplan turbine , hydraulic jump , hydraulic tilting flume , turbine flow meter , micro manometer , metzer binacular microscope , hydraulic mounting press 3t , specimen leveler , damped spring mass vibrating system , static balancing using steel balls , motorized gyroscope , whirling of shaft apparatus , cam analysis apparatus , universal governor apparatus , universal vib vibration lab , epi cyclic gear train holding torque apparatus , turn table apparatus , 4 bar mechanism slider crank oscillating cylinder whitworh 4bar link mechanism , gear trains single stage spur gear with intermediate gear differential gear , stefen boltzman constant apparatus , heat and mass transfer apparatus , thermal conductivity of insulating powder apparatus , heat transfer through heat exchanger apparatus , four probe conductivity energy gap of semiconductor , dielectric constant dielectric constant of insulating materials , capacitance box , he ne laser determination of wavelength of laser , spectrometer dispersive power determination of wavelength of source , bomb calorimeter calorific value of solid liquid lab , digital conductivity meter determination of conductance and strength of the acids and base , photo electric calorimeter determination of absorbance and verification of beers law , refractometer refractoriness of the solids and liquid samples , digital bulk density apparatus to determination of density of solid substances , redwood viscometer no ii to determine the viscosity of thin samples , water analyzers includes calorimeter do conductivity tds ph salinity and temperature , bod incubator determine the amount of biological oxygen required in water samples , cod apparatus determine the chemical oxygen requirement in water samples , torsion testing machine , tensile testing machine springs , vernier calipers 200 mm and 300 mm , universal testing machine 60 tones , dial gauge plunger and lever type with magnetic stand , malus law apparatus , electric vibrator , gray prism spectrometer , newtons ring with spherometer and plano , polarimeter half shade and biquartz , rf oscillator
Tender For supply of spare for forklift - 1613040 joint cyl head cover part no mhs4004944 , 1603200 housing rear end oil seal part no mh37424611 , 1613118 seal crank shaft rear end mh2418f475 , 1613119 caniester filter assy mhde005501 , 1603662 water pump s4 low pos part no mhs 4099100 , 1605260 lub oil filter p no mh02654408 , 1604715 filter elementp13801 mh785216101 , 1603100 filter elementp13802mh , 1603166 fc seal kit s4 p no mh 10236h kit , 1603634 r h wheel cylinder 29662280 p no mh870001339 , 1604710 lhwhell cylinder29662279mh870001303 , 1603832 repair kit wheel cylinder p no mh061378000 , 1603985 piston p no mh870001999 , 1613064 control valve 2 spool 3t dynamatic no mh17979 , 1613120 outer air element 4445 4385 , 1613121 safety air element , 1603339 king pin kit part no mh 11041 , 1613045 yoke pin dvx p no mh796403014 , 1603967 bush fab trail axle p no mh12205 , 1603821 seal kit 11286 p no mh13227 , 1603816 filter element kit mh14886 80 , 1603088 clutch cover assy p no mh 785380801 , 1613122 brake shoe assly 29373168 tvs make part no mh511667400b , 1605110 clutch release bearing , 1603938 hydraulic pump 3 mtsiml to mh 17913 p no mh 16178 , 1603839 end piece part no mh508592400 , 1613041 end piece p no mh508591400 , 1603328 integral bearing p nomh 870001754 , 1603901 cushion p no mh508593400 , 1603593 seat assembly mh 796412512 , 1605288 wheel bearing 993361146 , 1603070 taper roller bearing p nomh 993361137 , 1605350 gear shift lever and supportnew mh 17477 voltas fork lift , 1603878 crown wh pinion p no mh11241 , 1603879 d p shaft p no mh785392300 , 1605256 differential bearing 015139400 , 1603412 oil seal mh9608 , 1605167 oil seal 0161 , 1613123 seal kit , 1613124 carr assy dv30 pd hvm , 1603086 tmb clutch disc assy p no mh 785393300n
Tender For supply of rod spring assy for mg , gear lever kit for tata , bush king pin for tata , tank coolant vehicular , wheel cyl rep kit front , wheel cyl rep kit rear , wiper gear for tata , tapper roller for tata , front axel oil seal for mg , rear axel oil seal for mg , crank shaft oil seal for mg , throttle body gasket for mg , door padding assy for tata
Tender For supply of rod spring assy for mg , bush king pin for tata , wheel cyl rep kit front , wheel cyl rep kit rear , wiper gear for tata , tapper roller for tata , front axel oil seal for mg , rear axel oil seal for mg , crank shaft oil seal for mg , reverse light switch , door padding assy for tata
Tender For tender for supply of hexagon head screw , shaft seal cover , gasket , benzing ring , unloading cylinder with single pipe connection , unloading cylinder for single pipe connection 94point4mm , unloading cylinder for single pipe connection 112point4 , rocker for unloading mechanism , bearing cup , spring , cup washer , split pin , piston ring , oil scrapper ring , spring for safety head , gasket , coils for contactor , toggle switch , door limit switch , power contactor 12a , winding protection relay , timer , ammeter selector switch , red led lamp , fuse 2a , fuse 32a , fuse 6a , thermostat for cool room , thermostat for cold room , propeller fan for cold room cooler , oil separator , terminal stud assembly for motor , discharge valve retpoint ring plate , gear shaft for oil pump , neoprene o ring , crank case heater element , dispoint pressure gauges for r 22 , oil pressure switch , low pressure switch , high pressure switch , gasket set for condensers , zinc plug , safety valve for condenser , gasket set for condenser , pressure gauges water , temppointgauges room temp , over load relay , ring end spanner set , pulley puller 12 , screw driver , filter , thermostatic expansion valve , high pressure switch cutout , oil pressure switch cutout , v belts to interconnect compressor and motor pulley , thermostatic expansion valve complete on plant , lpointppointcut out , forced air cooling unit fintex eqvt make for cold room , shock mounts for compressor , dial type thermometers , gasket 0point3mm , split pin , coil defrost heater brass tublar , back pressure valve , connecting rod bush , bearing bushing 0point25mm , sdnr valve 65 mm , v belt b70 , charging line , motor protection relay , adjustable spanner 8 inch , 8 amp hrc fuse , liquid line filter drier , voltmeter 0 500 v , pipe wrench