Tender For providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - defence training unit; gym equipments, provisioning of clay lawn tennis court as per scope of work; all inclusive - area, preparation/levelling /weed treatment, asphalt base, water stagnation, test-, toe-wall, drain, 8 layer acrylic flooring, chain-link fencing, lighting, tennis post, inauguration plaque, warranty two years
Tender For provn of chain link fencing baghpat road constn of security gate and sentry post at gharaya chowk, addn/altn to building p-9, provn of toilet block, offrs mess wall, special repair to building e-135, existing broken boundary fence under ge (south) meerut cantt
Tender For cwe/fzr-55/2024-25 special repair to existing security fencing from guard post no 10 to main gate no 2 at kasubegu under ge(east) ferozepur cantt