CTN :39097854
10 Feb, 2025
Tender For quotation for chemical and glass goods- nutrient broth , agar , crystal violet solution , isopropanol 2.5l , methanol2.5l , ethanol500 ml , butanol2.5l , acetic acid 2.5l , vancomycin disc , amoxicillin disc , tetracycline disc , polymlaglass slide , cover slip , cotton , tissue paper roll , wash bottle 250m1 , burette 50ml , p"{q* pipefte 3ml , handypette pipette sucker l0 ml , variable volume micropipette 20-200ttl , variable volume micropipette 200-l000ul , yqtqb!" volume micropipette l0-100 ul , variable volume micropipette 20-200u1 , variable volume micropipette 200-l000ul , separating funnel , nitrile gloves , micro
tube rack , magnetic stirrer bar , magnetic retriever , flask stand , ?etridish (100 x l5mm) , conical flask 250m1 , dwhums
tube l00pc , silicone rubber tubing , tviicro tip box 0.2-t0 wl , miq&o tip box 2-200 pl , micro tip box 200-1000ul , aluminium foil , conical flask l000ml , micro centrifuge
tube 2 ml , aspirator bottle with stopcock 20l , haemocytometer chamber