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Tender For supply of various customized printing materials - trade proficiency pads , books printing and spiral binding , greetingcards , passenger manifest , cargo manifest ship , cargo manifest aircraft , civilian manifest , do pad for 122 hf co , fss part i ii flm l , fss part i ii flm m , fss part i ii flm w , tarmac management part 1 , tarmac management part ii , grc all trade , printing of frc , iaff ms 1953 , medical exam registers , arrival register , clearance register , p 32 register , overnight monitoring register , x ray examination register , bay servicing record register , tool daily issue register , ojt record register , demand and return register , continuity record register , expense book , attendance register , demand lp register , di of testers and rig register , engine filetr register , hydraulic filter register , mbt test record register , particle count atf register , expense record register , particle hydraulic register , hydraulic oil test register , tester flush record register , temperature humidity monitor even register , work order odd register , work order even register , car diary iafz , cwr register , ssvf register , t 2 registers , met 2477 registers , sod registers , temperature humidity monitor odd register , tools in out register , running hm register , e mms work order , defect register , immols register , air conditioning register , cpcp register , drss register , radar watch hour register , movement register , log book register , leave register , dependent card issue register , invitation cards 7 x 5 inches , master file index register , mso t 27 service book , security passes , odd tools issue regsietr , cwr register , synoptic situation register , certificates , a4 clour print with flowers , invitation cards 6 x 5 inches , flight manual , buff envelope 7 x 5 inches , buff envelope 6 x 4 inches
Tender For corrigendum : supply of breeding material for agriculture - aluminium bag 500 g capacity nos , aluminium bag 1 k g capacity , aluminium foil made printed pocket seed sell 1 kg capacity , aluminium foil made printed pocket seed sell 100 g capacity , aluminium foil made printed pocket seed sell 2 kg capacity , aluminium foil made printed pocket seed sell 50 g capacity , aluminium foil made printed pocket seed sell 500 g capacity , aluminium lable with wire 8x3 cm nos , aluminum wire , balance table top 1 kg , balance table top 2 kg , balance table top 5 kg , bird scaring ribbon per kg , breeding knife , breeding tag per 1000 , butter paper for germination , butter paper bag 10cmx 6cm , butter paper bag 18x5cm , butter paper bag 20cm x 5.25cm , butter paper bags 20 cm x 8 cm, machine made per 1000 , card board capaciaty 10 kg 10inch x 16inch , card board capaciaty 20 kg 15inch x 11inch x 13inch , carton 10 kg capacity , carton 5 kg capacity , cocopeat dry block type low ec washed per kg , cotton thread , fawwara for pipe 0.5 inch mtrs , germination paper imported quality 45x28cm , green net 3 meter height length in per meter , green net 73 percent per sqm. , iron mosquito mesh for fencing 3 feet ht. mt , jute bag 10 kg capacity , jute bag 100 kg capacity , jute bag 20 kg capacity , jute bag 5 kg capacity , jute bag 50 kg capacity , jute sutali rope , jute sutli , kraft seed container - star paper envelope 15 x 7 cm, 80gsm per 1000 nos. , kraft seed container - star paper envelope 19 x 7 cm, 80gsm per 1000 nos. , label thread per kg , luggage label no.5 eyeletted 11 x 6 cm per 1000 nos. , luggage labels, no. 4, thick 10 cm x 5 cm , luggage lable no. 3 eyeletted 8x4 cm , markin cloth cotton bag 1 kg capacity , markin cloth cotton bag 10 kg capacity , markin cloth cotton bag 2 kg capacity , markin cloth cotton bag 20 kg capacity , markin cloth cotton bag 5 kg capacity , markin cloth cotton bag 50 kg capacity , net bags 50x45cm , net green 3 meter height , nursery polybag 11x7x5 cm, black per 1000 , nylon layout rope , nylon net 25mm. hole size uv stabilized 3mtr. 1500 m2 500 m l x 3 m w , nylon net 40 mesh insect proof width 48inch ordinary mt , nylon net bag 10 kg capacity , nylon net bag 20 kg capacity , nylon net bag 5 kg capacity , nylon net bag 50 kg capacity , nylon net bags 30x22 cm nos , nylon net bags 42x35 cm nos , nylon net bags big nos , nylon net seed bag with closing string 100 x 60 cm each , nylon net seed bag with closing string 40 x30 cm each , nylon net seed bag with closing string 60 x 45 cm each , nylon net selfing bag with closing string for veg crops 95x70 cm , plastic pegs 100 cm each , plastic pegs 50 cm each , plastic pegs 90 cm each , plastic pot 25 cm x 25 cm x 17 each , plastic pot 30 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm each , plastic-lined aluminium foil pouches, 3 layered for gene bank 12x9 cm per 100 units , plastic-lined aluminium foil pouches, 3 layered for gene bank 18x12 cm per 100 units , plastic-lined aluminium foil pouches, 3 layered for gene bank 20x16 cm per 100 units , polythene bag with locking system 15 x 10 cm per 100 no. , polythene bag with locking system 20 x 15 cm per 100 no. , polythene bag with locking system 25 x 20 cm per 100 no. , polythene tube 4 inch , polythene tube 6 inch per kg , rope to be tied for belcha , seed bag with metal fold water proof envelope 25 x 10 cm per 1000 nos. , seed enevelope 100 g capacity , seed enevelope 1000 g capacity , seed enevelope 250 g capacity , seed enevelope 50 g capacity , seed envelop 25x10 cm , self sealed polythene bag 1 kg capacity , self sealed polythene bag 250 g capacity , self sealed polythene bag 500 g capacity , silayee taga rolls , silk bag 100 g , tassel bags 42 cm x18 cm x 10cm, machine made, made of imported sac craft paper , tirpal 12 feet x 15 feet , tirpal 4 by 6 small size , tirpal 8 feet x 8 feet , water proof enevelope 100 g , water proof enevelope 250 g , water proof enevelope 500 g , water proof envelope 25x10 cm , water proof envelope 25
Tender For supply of printing of case file white colour size 14 inch x9 and half inch , printing of scribbling pad small oficer incharge size 7 and inch x 5 and hal printing of file cover scribbling pad and greeting card - f inch , printing of scribbling pad ruller 50 sheet , printing of folder greetingcards of size 7 and half inch x 5 and half inch with envalope , printing of office file yellow colour