Tender For group-a pharmacology flicker fusion apparatus digital hand dynamometer digital display multiple choices reaction time apparatus peg board (purchase and groove) and hand stabilometer exercise physiology / gas analyzer with treadmill, bicycle ergometer treadmill with exercise physiology system master two steps autonomic function test lab (beat-to-beat haemodynamic monitoring system) platelet aggregation profiler (aggregometer) 16-channel polygraph portable hand held doppler atomic absorption spectrophotometer (aas) biochemical autoanalyzer fully automated cell counter ice- lined refrigerator (minus 20 degree) uv-visible spectrophotometer kits and solvents biosafety cabinet cooling centrifuge co2 incubator culture plates and glasswares autoclave media filtration system refrigerator rt-pcr autoclave feed sterilizer compound microscope with camera and recording system table top anesthesia system individually ventilated cage (ivc) ro water purifier portable usg machine portable x-ray machine lc-ms/ms enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique extraction equipment ? solid phase extractor, liquid phase reagents and solvents ice-lined refrigerator (minus 20 degree) semi-autoanalyzer
Tender For purchase of other instruments - aphaeresis system (blood bank sci) , deep freezer (-86 degree c) 750-80 itr (blood bank sci) , automated blood donor couch (blood bank sci) , table top centrifuge (blood bank sci) , automatic component processor/extractor (blood bank sci , fully automated random access chemiluminescence (blood bank sci) , table top refrigerated centrifuge ( blood bank sci) , digital microscope with integrated tablet display (pathology department sci) , antigen retrieval system with all accessories pathology department sci) , autoclavevertical microbiology department sci) , bio safetycabinet classii a2 microbiology department sci) , caparoscopic set surgical oncology sci) , iipac machine surgical oncology sci) , ventilator surgical oncology sci) , ag stirrups surgical oncology sci) , &t (micro vascular instruments) , surgical onculegy sci) , ot table (surgical oncology sci) , ther instruments surgical oncology sci) , centrifuge machine (36 tube) , biochemistry department sci) , uto pipettes biochemistry department sci) , lectrolyte analyzer biochemistry department sci) , mi-auto analyzer #lochemistry department sci) , mesthesia werk station for gynae oncology sci)