CTN :38857515
20 Feb, 2025
4.73 Crore
Tender For corrigendum : procurement of dds rc 2 - polypropylene, size 6-0 with 13mm, curved, round body double arm needle 8718/8725, calcium polystyrene sulphonate powder (k bind sachets) 15gm/sachets, sodium 2 mercapto ethanesulphonate (mesna) inj 200 mg/amps, an cl
atitisan> - b v
accine 20mcg, ipr
atropium bromide respules 2.5 ml, lipos
amphotericin b inj. 50mg/vi
al, inj. erythropoietin -
a 10000 iu prefilled syringes, inj. erythropoietin -
a 4000 iu prefilled syringes, trisodium citr
ate 46.7%, sodium chloride iv 0.3%, non
able sterilised surgic
al suture (br
aided silk bl
ack) 2 x 75 cm 3-0 s212, non
able sterilised surgic
al suture (br
aided silk bl
ack) 2 x 75 cm no 2-0 s213, non
able sterilised surgic
al suture (br
aided silk bl
ack) 2 x 75 cm no 1-0 s214, non
able sterilised surgic
al suture (br
aided silk bl
ack) 2 x 75 cm no 1 s215, bl
acksilk, size 3-0 with 16mm, 3/8 circle, cutting, needle 90 cms 5002/5003, monocryle polyglic
aprone size 3-0 with 26mm h
alf circle reverse cutting needle 1326/3326, monofil
ament polydi
axone, size 5-0 with 13mm h
alf circle round body with double needle 9201/9513, monofil
ament polydi
axone size 4-0 20 mm, h
alf circle round body needle 70 cms 9304, monofil
ament polydi
axone, size 3-0 with 20mm h
alf circle round body needle 70 cms 9237, monofil
ament polydi
axone, size 1 with 40mm h
alf circle round body he
avy needle 30 cms. 9352/9248, prolene 2-0 with 30mm 1/2 circle round body 841, polypropylene, size 5-0 with 16mm, h
alf circle , round body double
arm needle 8556, polypropylene, size 4-0 with 20mm round body needle 8761/849, poligl
actin 910, size 4-0 with 16mm, h
alf circle, round body needle 2305/2304, poligl
actin 910, size 3-0 with 20mm, h
alf circle, round body needle 2437, chromic c
atgut, size 4-0, 20 mm, round body needle 5048, chromic c
atgut, size 3-0 with 20 mm, h
alf circle, round body needle 4237, he
avvy duty rubber gloves size. 8, he
avvy duty rubber gloves size.7, he
avvy duty rubber gloves size.6, cle
aning powder like s
a 500gm, polythelene covers - sm
all (w
aste m
agement purpose)
as per the specs of pollution control bo
ard.green, polythelene covers - big (w
aste m
agement purpose)
as per the specs of pollution control bo
ard.blue, ultr
asound jelly c
an of 5 ltrs, shoe covers, suction c
atheter 16fr, suction c
atheter 14fr, suction c
atheter 12fr, suction c
atheter 10fr, sc
alp vein sets 24 g, sc
alp vein sets 20 g, ryles tubes16f, povidine iodine ointment 0.05 /124g/ tube, n 95 m
ask, needle dispos
able 23 g, needle dispos
able 22 g, mupirocin ointment, mucus extr
actor/ mucus tr
ap, micropore pl
aster 7.5cmx9.1m, micropore pl
aster 5cmx9.1m, micropore pl
aster 2.5cmx9.1m, liquid detergent.-., h
and s
anitisor.-., gluter
aldehyde eth
anol with potency strips 5ltrs. c
an, fl
at sterili
ation reel size 25 x 200 metres, fl
at sterili
ation reel size 15 x 200 metres, full sleeve body gown (non woven with el
actic cuff length 130cms), full sleeve body gown (non woven with el
actic cuff length 110cms), ecg p
aper roll (comp
atible with contec ecg m
achine), ecg p
aper roll (comp
atible with bpl m
achine), ecg p
aper roll (comp
atible with
as m
achine), ecg jelly, e.c.g.electrodes, disinfect
ant 5 litre c
an, drip set (micro), chlorhexidine 4%, cotton roll 500 gms gross / single roll, chlorohexidine mouth w
ash solution,
ampoule gl
ass vi
al bre
adult di
apers (l
arge size) p
ack of 10, ren
al biopsy gun 16g x16cms, trus biopsy gun 18g x 20cms, ren
al biopsy gun 18g x16cms, tr
arent stretch pl
adhesive b
age roll for tempor
access, monopropylene glycol, c
arbomer, methylchloroisothi
azolinone, methylisothi
azolinone gel (sterile ultr
asound gel), skin
antiseptic solution, polysulfone membr
ane di
alyser with ko
a of 600 (surf
a 1.8m.sq), polysulfone membr
ane di
alyser with ko
a of 600 (surf
a 1.3 - 1.4m.sq), polysulfone membr
ane di
alyser pe
atric, du
al lumen str
aight c
atheter kit, du
al lumen curved c
atheter kit, du
al lumen c
atheter kit curved lumen 8fr, di
alyser for pl
apheresis, dry citr
ate for hemo