Tender For supply of e-285: servicing of filling valves and replacement of air and lub oil inlet pipe lines (size= 25mm) , e-284: servicing and overhauling of portable lub oil pump is to be carried out and proved. , e-282: obm gear box produces abnormal sound. to be overhauled make: mercury 25hp , e-283: 02 nos domestic ro plant not producing fw. servicing to be carried out including spares , e-281: 06 nos fire hydrants no holding pressure. locking pins and seals to be replaced and proved
Tender For supply of lub oil filter element , fuel pipe filter to pump , fuel pipe fuel filter to fuel pump , pipe lub oil connecting filter lub oil tank , pipe fuel injection to injector fuel
Tender For bid to ras corrigendum : supply of part no nk000231 nomenclature air filter gen set , part no d3 003 06 0 00 nomenclature cyl head steel gasket daf 10 gen set , part no 000143 nomenclature fuel pump assy gen set , part no nk000141 nomenclature silencer assy gen set , part no nk000195 nomenclature fuel pipe 19 into 19 gen set , part no 2h 092 11 0 00 nomenclature lub oil pressure sensor gen set , part no nk nomenclature cyl assy gen set , part no nk nomenclature fuel returning pipe gen set , part no d1 314 02 0 00 nomenclature vibration mount gen set , part no nk00077 nomenclature fuel filter gen set