Tender For supply of hydraulic scissor lifting table of capacity 500 kgs with following specifications :(1) minimum h eight : 280mm, (2) maximum height : 900 mm , platform size: 850 x 500 50 mm. [ warranty period: 12 m onths after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of material handling equipment and their spares. (hydraulic lifting table ) specification: a)capa city: 3000 kg; b)platform size: (1500 x 1500) mm, c)overall length: 2000 mm. ; d)closed height:400 - 450 mm.; e)extended height 1500mm.; f)no. of wheel: 4 nos.; g)wheel material: mild steel, h)wheel dia: 175 m m 200mm, i)rear wheel: horizontal move, front wheel: 180 degrees revolving; j)t-handle will be provided fo r easy handling, operation manual by hand pump. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deliver y ]
Tender For supply and installation of scissor type lifting table (hydraulic scissor type lift ing table ) as per enclosed specification [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For rj-19 e -1364 rotary rig spare parts- rivet t?mm x 65 mm, rivet l1 mm x 50 mm, table slide bolt 3/o" x5" left side thread, table slide bolt yo" x5" right side thread, oil seal 60 x 85 x 10, oil seal 200 x 1"60 x 13, oil seal 140 x 1"80 x 13, oil seal 100 x 140 x 13, %"x30 mm screw g.m. with nut, small shifter g.m., sand drum and lifting drum ball new making, cathead shaft side plate new making, cathead shaft flange new making as per sample and size., l-0 mm x 35 mm bolt washer, 1"0 mm x 30 mm bolt with washer, 3fb"x 1"bolt with washer, l-2 mm x 35 mm bolt with spring washer, l2 mm x 50mm stud with nut and spring washer, rt^22, pinion bearing housing, pinion housir-rg rc,pairing and fitting with chuck nut., mud pump chain cover shaft coupling size machining as, pcr cour;lins size., d'l'tl rig hydraulic three way adaptor making as per, sample,, drill rode centralizing bush new making and welding as, rler drill rode size.
Tender For supply of rj-19 e 1360 rig spare parts - rivet t?mm x 65 mm, rivet l1 mm x 50 mm, table slide bolt 3/o" x5" left side thread, table slide bolt yo" x5" right side thread, oil seal 60 x 85 x 10, oil seal 200 x 1"60 x 13, oil seal 140 x 1"80 x 13, oil seal 100 x 140 x 13, %"x30 mm screw g.m. with nut, small shifter g.m., sand drum and lifting drum ball new making, cathead shaft side plate new making, cathead shaft flange new making as per sample and size., l-0 mm x 35 mm bolt washer, 1"0 mm x 30 mm bolt with washer, 3fb"x 1"bolt with washer, l-2 mm x 35 mm bolt with spring washer, l2 mm x 50mm stud with nut and spring washer, rt^22, pinion bearing housing, pinion housir-rg rc,pairing and fitting with chuck nut., mud pump chain cover shaft coupling size machining as, pcr cour;lins size., d'l'tl rig hydraulic three way adaptor making as per, sample,, drill rode centralizing bush new making and welding as, rler drill rode size.
Tender For supply of hydraulic lifting table of (foot operative) capacity 2000kg, table size 510 mm x 1100 mm x 60 mm. closed height 350 mm, max height 1500 mm, double scissor type, inbuilt type cylinder with hand r eleasing systems. 04 nos of heavy duty wheels of 11 inch [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of hydraulic lifting table capacity: 3000 kg, platform size 1500 mm x 1500 mm, overall length 2000 mm, closed height: 400-450 mm, extended height 1500 mm, no of wheel: 04 nos., wheel material mil d steel, wheel dia 175 mm- 200 mm, rare wheel: horizontal, front wheel 180 degree revolving with t handle . [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of hydraulic scissor lifting table of capacity 800 kgs. detailed technical specification as per ann exure b [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]