Tender For tender for supply of restoration of removed enclosure wall members to its original with the help of high skilled labour , mechanical equipments , hydraulic machinery , as per photographs , drawing etc 1. sand , lime , surki , core filling in lime mortar by using stone boulders in ratio 1into1into1 etc complete 1.sand , lime , surki
Tender For tender for supply of labour charges for erection and dismantling of scaffolding from ground level to top level for removal enclosure wall up to 10mtrs. height including transportation of scaffolding materials from stock yard kamalapur to zanana enclosure wall etc. complete , labour charges for removal of the out of plumb , enclosure wall with the help of high skilled labour , mechanical equipments , hydraulic machinery after proper documentation like numbering etc.complete. , labour charges for restoration of removed enclosure wall members to its original with the help of high skilled labour , mechanical equipment , hydraulic machinery as per photographs , drawing , including pointing etc.complete. , labour charges for core filling in lime mortar by using stone boulders in ration 1into1into1 etc.complete , 1
Tender For procurement of manufacturing items ii - rm.0807 - plugs, zinc anode plugs, drain plug for main boiler. dimensions - 39x2, zinc anode plug, zinc anode adaptors (td circ, tdfl, waste steam condenser, obbm cooler, main lub oil cooler) as per sample, condenser brass plugs as per sample, condenser wooden plugs, s/w cooler drain plug( s/w chamber), tdac plant all 08 sea water pump suction strainer purging plug to be manufactured as per sample., plummer block drain plugs, plummer block charging plug, handle / tool, ladder sprinkling system, 3 way valve operating handle, butterfly valve operating handle, turning tool of hpac, special tool for removal of sieve & special tool for absorber, fip purging tool, t-handle, machinery turning tool (fcbt, td-circulator, ) as per sample/ drawing, mtga hand turning tool as per sample, t - handle of various size for opening of valves, t - handle of various size for rotation of tbu lub oil filters, tbu turning tool, fuel system return line 3-way cock handle, boiler sight glass cover with handle, hydraulic filter opening tool, tools for opening hydrant coupling, tools for opening hydrant lugs, t handle for deck cap, manufacturing of tool boxes with lock and key mechanism. size-700350 400mm, special tool (t - handle) used for avcat fuelling as per sample, arresting gear bow spring fastener tightening handle, fueling post hand pump operating handle, socket termination test assembly tightening handle, sac lift purging tool, handle for holding melting pot, steering gear valve box operating tool, valve spindle of various sizes as per sample. qty-50, mat-, strainer, pgv tank suction strainers (as per sample), tdac 2, tdac 3, mdac, fwd ref plant bilge suction strainer bilge system suction strainer perished, to be manufactured as per sample/drawing., sea water pump suction strainers perished to be manufactured as per sample. pipe dia 250mm, strainer body of dg, tg, dp, fire pump suction strainer, s/w system strainer element, cooling water pump suction strainer body as per sample/ drawing. qty-05, cooling water pump suction strainer elements filter as per sample/ drawing. qty-05, spanner, manufacturing of wheel spanner for cfss station halon bottle hp air charging, wheel spanner, pressure gauge isolating valve spanner, wheel spanners of different sizes as per sample/ instructions, special tool - spanner for boiler doors as per sample, cut ring spanner of 65, 70, 36,41, 46, wheel spanner of various sizes to be manufactured as per sample.03 small and 03 medium size., manufacturing of wheel spanners of various sizes as per sample, spanner tool box with partition as per instruction/drawing. qty-01, cap/ spacer / clamp, tg spacer, dp spacer, sounding tube cap & tap for lub oil, feed and fuel tanks as per sample/ drawing, mtga turning motor cap as per sample, deck cap, sounding tube cap, upper stationery block brass cap, damper cylinder vent cap, power pack pump sump cap with sealing arrangement, as per sample, rg hose clamps, "c" clamps for socket load testing machine, portable eye, cap. - 04 tons, sling for pulling wire rope. cap.- 02 ton, manufacturing of blank cap as per sample for avcat fuelling post., cock filter cover, tank top door as per sample/ drawing. qty- 4 each, coupling/ gasket / anode, double female coupling, double male coupling, all pumps coupling (fuel pump, circ md lub oil pump, rcp, feed transfer pp) as per sample. qty-10, mat- ,, guard rail couplings, main switch vv gasket, main circulator l/o cooler zinc anode as per sample, zinc anode for condenser as per sample, zinc anode for main lub oil cooler as per sample
Tender For custom bid for services - otr case for habitability maintenancerepair works onboard ins shakti--degutting of crca paneling of wc's and shower areas in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom along with securing arrangement at 1 dk, 2 dk, 01 dk and 02 dk water leakage observed from bathroom to passageway. renewal of crca paneling forming partition between passageway and bathroom to be undertaken. (no. of bathrooms - 10 nos approx. area - 300sqmt) sqmt renewal of foundation and securing brackets of paneling in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom at 1dk, 2dk, 01 dk and 02 dk view heavily corroded/ damaged/ broken. (no of bathroom - 10 nos, mat-ms, thickness- 5mm) rmt 1. . fitment of securing arrangement of wc's in js bathroom and ss bathroom view securing arrangement damaged. (no of wc's - 20 nos) nos inspection window along with frames and locking mechanism of wc's in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom heavily corroded/ thinned/ broken at 1 dk, 2dk, 02 dk, inspection window and locking mechanism of doors to be repaired/ renewed as per existing dimension. qty - 20nos nos repair/ renewal of bath fittings (shower head assembly/ hand bar) in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom as per marine standard, view defective. qty - 40 nos, material- ss nos 2. undertake repair/ renewal of wash basin taps in js bathroom, ss bathroom and officer's bathroom as per marine standard, view defective. qty- 50 nos nos 3. undertake repair/ renewal of ceramic wash basin in officer's bathroom, view defective/ cracked/ damaged. qty- 20 nos nos doors and associated fittings 4. undertake fitment of nwt doors along with door coaming and frames at various locations as per existing dimension, view door deformed/ defective (nwt door will be provided by ss. qty- 30 nos) nos 5. repair/ renewal of hydraulic door closer of nwt door in main passageway, offices and officers cabin, view door closer not working/ defective. qty - 50 nos nos main alleyway and passageway 6. renewal of aluminum strip for securing of crca panel in main rmt page 36 of 74 alleyway at various location to be undertaken as per existing dimension. qty- 200 rmt 7. undertake repair/ renewal of hand rails along with bracket in main passageway at 2 dk, 1 dk, 01 dk, 02 dk, 03 dk,& 04 dk. material - ai, qty- 200 rmt rmt messes and office spaces 8. renewal of locking arrangement of lockers/ drawers in following spaces view broken/ damaged (including hinges and associated fittings). qty -400 nos :- (a) chart table drawer in bridge and flag bridge (b) mess lockers, elsa lockers and shoe locker in all messes (c) drawers of office spaced and stores (d) pharmacy compartment, sickbay and pmo office nos 9. undertake repair/ renewal of foundation and securing bracket of locker in messes, view corroded/ damaged. material - ms & ai. qty50 nos nos 10. undertaken repair/ renewal of securing arrangement of book shelves in messes, view defective. material - wood. spares to be proved by refitting s agency. qty - 80 nos. nos 11. undertake repair of ss wash basin along with drainage arrangement in machinery workshop, electrical workshop, mechanical workshop and hull workshop. qty- 12 nos. nos 12. undertake repair of metallic furniture/ cupboard (opening door fitted with glass) in pharmacy compartment size- (184x122 & 184x 78) cm. spares to be provided by refitting agency. qty- 02 nos nos galley and dining hall 13. repair/ renewal of wash basin drain line in jsdh, ssdh, ss scullery, js scullery, officer's pantry, co's pantry & admiral pantry view blocked. choked. qty - 20 nos nos 14. undertake repair/ renewal of panel along with securing bracket in ship's galley (at deck head and bulkhead), view defective. mat- ss, qty- 50 sqmt sqmt 15. undertake repair/ renewal of ss metallic locker along with locking mechanism in ship's galley. qty- 10 nos. spares to be provided by refitting agency. nos 16. repair/ renewal of water tap in ship's galley and officer's galley to
Tender For supply of machinery spares - hose clip ss ( part no 131to139 mm) , flexible red hoses ( part no 8095106) , hose clip ss ( part no104to112 mm) , hose clip ss ( part no149to161 mm) , hose clip ss ( part no 188to200 mm) , hose clip ss ( part no 70to90 mm) , hose clip ss ( part no 60to80 mm) , fuel shut off cable ( part no3213) , cylinder hydraulic repair kit ( part no hydr 0228)