Tender For supply of boyle devis mouth gag standard model with sliding tooth hook for use with tongue blades with central slit adult set of 4 , boyle devis mouth gag standard model with sliding tooth hook for use with tongue blades with central slit peadiatric set of 3 , nasal syringe for infiltration , fenestrated rosen knife , aural crocodile forceps , aural punch biopsy forceps small , micro ear surgery needle straight , micro ear surgery needle curved , gel foam pressing forceps , ossicle holding forceps , malleus nibbler , self - retaining permeatal speculam , rosen aural slotted speculam, set of 4 of varioun inner diameter , aural microscissors left curved , aural microscisors right curved , jobson horne probe ring with cotton carrier , upturned metal suction tip no 14 , upturned metal suction tip no 16 , angled trucut metal forceps , needle holder for ear surgery , asch nasal forceps , walsham nasal forceps left , walsham nasal forceps right