Tender For ceramic fibre cloth covered synthetic rubber hose with woven textile to 31.5mm nomin al bore to is:5821/latest for electric arc furnace. technical specification: a) minimum outside diam eter of rubber hose 40.5mm b) no. of plies: 4 and the finishing end of the last ply shall overlap the star t of the first ply at least by 6.0 mm. c) working pressure: 7 kgs/ sq. cm d) temperature: upto 90 deg centigrade, e) bursting pressure: 28kgs/sq.cm, f) length of the hose pipe: 9 mtrs or its multiples. not e: 1)ceramic fibre cloth size: minimum 2mm thickness all over. 2)material test certificate or quality of hose & test pressure shall accompany the supply. 3)hoses shall be supplied without folds and suitably packed to avoid damage during transit. ]