Tender For supply of compressed industrialoxygengas for cutting conforming to is:309/2005, 4th revision with amendment 01, cylinder capacity 7 cubic meter each. shortage /accountal statement as per annexur e-a. ]
Tender For supply of industrialgas - refilling of industrialoxygengas for welding purpose , refilling of industrial acetylene gas for welding purpose , array of orings 5c metric standard series, nbr-70 386pc make nitrile rubber construction , gc192 wind sealant adhesive tube , m s welding rod 2pt5x350 mm make adwani,esab , ms welding rod 3pt15 mm make adwani, esab , m s welding rod 4 mm make adwani, esab
Tender For supply of nitrogen gas 7 cu m 2000 psi,nitrogen gas 7 cu m 2000 psi,nitrogen gas 7 cu m 2000 psi,nitrogen gas 7 cu m 2000 psi,nitrogen gas 7 cu m 2000 psi,nitrogen gas 7 cu m 2000 psi,nitrogen gas 7 cu m 2000 psi,nitrogen gas 10 cu m 3000 psi,nitrogen gas 10 cu m 3000 psi,nitrogen gas 10 cu m 3000 psi,nitrogen gas 10 cu m 3000 psi,nitrogen gas 10 cu m 3000 psi,nitrogen gas 10 cu m 3000 psi,nitrogen gas 10 cu m 3000 psi,breathing oxygengas 16 cu m 3600 psi,breathing oxygengas 16 cu m 3600 psi,breathing oxygengas 16 cu m 3600 psi,breathing oxygengas 16 cu m 3600 psi,breathing oxygengas 16 cu m 3600 psi,breathing oxygengas 16 cu m 3600 psi,breathing oxygengas 16 cu m 3600 psi,industrialoxygengas 7 cu m 2000 psi,industrialoxygengas 7 cu m 2000 psi,industrialoxygengas 7 cu m 2000 psi,industrialoxygengas 7 cu m 2000 psi,industrialoxygengas 7 cu m 2000 psi,industrialoxygengas 7 cu m 2000 psi,industrialoxygengas 7 cu m 2000 psi,da gas acetylene gas 22757 psi 16kgpercm2,da gas acetylene gas 22757 psi 16kgpe
Tender For supply of compressed natural gas through suppliers owened mobile cng casca de (having pressure @ 250 kg/ cm2) at wrs kota (warranty period : having no guarantee/warranty as item is gas) [quantity tolerance (+/-): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitted: max 8 lacs ]