Tender For providing of customized annual maintenance contract/cmc for pre-owned products - comprehensive of annual maintenance contract of train informationdisplayboard system and coach guidance system installed at new delhi station for one year; comprehensive of annual maintenance contract of train informationdisplayboard system a..
Tender For supply & providing of sales promotion items on annual rate contract . - banners of different sizes, led board for nandini milk parlours / franchise parlours in dharwad, gadag & uttarkannada district jurisdiction, multi colour star flex dealer boards- size-6 ft x 4 ft -qty-90 boards and size-4 ft x 2 ft -qty-100 boards, vinyl stickering on foam sheet pasting to nandini milk parlours / franchise parlours at dharwad, gadag & uttarkannada district jurisdictions., vinyl stickering for nandini milk parlours/ franchisee in dharwad, gadag & uttarkannada district jurisdiction
Tender For erection of 20 nos scheme informationdisplayboard at different headwork site of falta,diamond harbour i ,diamond harbour ii and kulpi block under diamond harbour sub division of alipore division phe dte.
Tender For supply of floral decoration material for different functions and events in the convention center ndcc. - suply of marigold orange calcutta flowers ladi, each ladi having 3'approx. length, fresh, healthy and of good quality flower. , suply of marigold yellow calcutta flowers ladi, each ladi having 3'approx. length, fresh, healthy and of good quality flower. , supply of green leaves ladi, each ladi having 3'approx. length, fresh, healthy and of good quality leave. , supply of chrysanthemum white loose flowers, fresh & of good quality. , supply of bush rose loose flowers fresh & good quality. , supply of jafri (russet colour) loose flowers, fresh and of good quality. , supply of tata rose cut flowers (20 stick in per bunch) , supply of gladiolus multicolour cut flowers (20 stick in per bunch) , supply of chrysanthemum cut flowers (10 stick in per bunch) , supply of carnation cut flowers (20 stick in per bunch) , supply of asiatic lilium cut flowers (10 stick in per bunch) , supply of gerbera bangalore cut flowers (10 stick in per bunch) , supply of murraya leaf sticks (10 stick in each bunch) , supply of areca palm leaf stick (24 stick in each bundle) , supply of oasis bricks (20 brick pieces in each box) , supply of nails 17 no. size 1" , supply of nails 17 no. size 1.5 " , supply of fevicol. , supply of tharmacol sheets size 16" x 32" x 25 mm good quality. , expenditure for making screens of approved design by flex printing, pining, marking & painting designs and writing matter on tharmacol pasted existing displayboards. , supply of flower bunch prepared with 20 sticks rose and carnation flowers. , supply of mix flower bunch prepared with 5 sticks oriental lilium mix colour & 20 sticks tata rose mix colours flowers. , supply of center table arrangement prepared with 15 sticks tata rose mix colour flowers , supply of giftted potted plants like song of india , sansevieria dwarf varigated ,chlorophytum variegated, jade plant and aglonemia snow white etc. in 5" ceramic pots , supply of giftted potted plants like piece lily, adenium , anthurium & aglaonema lipstick etc. in 6" ceramic pots.
Tender For supply of regiment history acrylic boards size five x three feet , main gate quarter guards backlight boards eight x six feet , metal letter boards size five x three feet , star flex boards with iron frames size eight x six feet , regiment logo acrylic to acrylic cutting boards