Tender For bid to ras bid to ras supply of oil seal 800-700-50,dm clarifier-rake drive gear box , oil seal 50-72-8 , oil seal 52-35-07 , oil seal 75-55-10 , oil seal 40-25-9 , oil seal 72-35-9.5 , oil seal 45-65-7 , oil seal 45- 60-8 , oil seal 55-75-12 , oil seal 26-42-10 , oil seal 47-30- 7 , oil seal size 40-52-7 , oil seal size 62-40-7 , neoprene rubber sheet thickness - 3 mm , neoprene rubber sheet, thickness- 5mm , jointing sheet non asbestos non metallic size-2000 x 1500 x 5 mm , jointing sheet non asbestos non metallic size-2000 x 1500 x 2.0 mm , jointing sheet non asbestos non metallic size-2000 x 1500 x 3 mm , jointing sheet non asbestos non metallic size-2000 x 1500 x 1.5 mm , gland packing for cw or acw system size-10mm , gland packing for cw or acw system size-12mm , gland packing size-18 mm , teflon sheet, 3mm thick , teflon sheet, size- 1.5mm , 0.5 inch hose pipe , water flexible hose pipe, size- 20 nb , water flexible hose pipe, size- 25 nb , viton rubber cord size 3.5 mm , neoprene rubber cord- 6.5 mm , neoprene rubber cord-8.5 mm , s.s.shim , size- 1.0mm , teflon tape,size- 0.5 inch x 12 mtr , z815 steel putty , v-belt for common sludge pit air blower , v-belt for dmf air blower , v-belt for gsf air blower , v-belt for mbe air blower , v-belt for cmb air blower , v-belt for rake drive , safety blower in feed pool v belt , cpu blower v belt , etp lamella clarifier agitator v belt , fire compressor v belt , spider for lovejoy coupling , spider size - l - 100
Tender For corrigendum : tender for supply of graf seal formed gland packing spiral wound gaskets for hp valves of boiler - grafseal formed gland packing , od-56mm , id-28mm , t-14mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-b1 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-50mm , id-28mm , t-12mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-b85 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-55mm , id-35mm , t-10mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-e18 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-52mm , id-30mm , t-10mm , in two halves with oblique cut , to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-b84 , grafseal formed gland packing , od- 45 mm , id-30 mm , t-08mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no- b82 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-60 mm , id-38 mm , t-11mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-s73 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-58mm , id-35mm , t-12mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-e20 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-55mm , id-27mm , t-14mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , manual valve - 50 nb , globe valve , ho , grafseal formed gland packing , od-54mm , id-28mm , t-12mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-sb9 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-in two halves , od-54 mm , id-34 mm , t-10 mm , with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temerature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-s78 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-48 mm , id-30 mm , t-09 mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-s34 , grafseal formed gland packing , od-56mm , id-38mm , t-09mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-s35 , grafseal formed gland packing , od- 66mm , id-42mm , t-12mm , in two halves with oblique cut to withstand 600 deg c temperature , pressure 250 bar , valve tag no-sb6 , pure graphite packing in braided form reinforced with inconel wire suitable to withstand pressure of 450 bar and temperature 600 degree c. , pure graphite packing in braided form reinforced with inconel wire suitable to withstand pressure of 450 bar and temperature 600 degree c. , pure graphite packing in braided form reinforced with inconel wire suitable to withstand pressure of 450 bar and temp 600 c. , rubber bushing and stud of drive pulley of coal feeder , as per sample , material - en24 , bush - neoprene and brass , sub part of head pulley - belt drive pulley for 36inch gravimetric feeder , scanner cooling rubber hose pipe , wire impregnated , for burner , size-o.d 70mm , i.d 50mm , length 1500mm , approx. , , non asbestos thermal insulation webbing tape 3mm x 50mm , withstand temperature 500 degree c , , oil seal size -75x95x10 , make skf-vako , oil seal size -28x47x7 , make skf , vako , oil seal size -45x62x8 , make skf , vako , oil seal size -70x85x8 , make skf , vako , oil seal size -65x80x8 , make skf , vako , oil seal , size- 50 x 62 x 7 , make-jk- pioneer , sunny , oil seal size -60x90x8 , make skf , vako
Tender For supply of clear space pneumatic power hammer -150 kg (3cwt) (complete assembly with installation & commissioning) as per specification attached in annexure-a, with anvil block, electric motor-15 kw, motor starter, foundation bolts, ancher plates. foundation mat and spares as under 1.asbestos tape packing -01 s et(02 nos) 2.ram piston rings-01 set (02 nos.) 3.control valve set-01 set 4.pump piston rings-01set (02 nos ) 5.pump trunk rings-01 set ( 02 nos.) [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For tender for supply of blade hack saw hand flexible coarse nomi , blade hack saw hand flexible fine nomina , gases acetylene , wash spg sc ty b stl n s 6mm , pins cotter split steel 1 6 mm x 25 mm , pins cotter split steel 1 6 mm x 40 mm , pins cotter split steel 2 5 mm x 80 mm , pins cotter split steel 5 5 mm x 63 mm , nail brad steel cut 20mmx150mm , washers spring single coil type b stee , washers spring single coil type b stee , wsh spg sc ty b stl ns 10mm , washers spring sing coil type b steel , wsh spri sc ty b stl nsz 16mm , washers spri sing coil type b steel n , wsh spg sc ty b stl ns 20mm , pins cotter split steel 2 5 mm x 25 mm , pins cotter split steel 2 5 mm x 50 mm , pins cotter split steel 8 0 mm x 80 mm , rivets snap head copper dia 3 x 20mm , rivets snap head copper 6mmx40mm , rivets snap head copper 8mmx20mm , pins cotter split steel 3 2 mm x 25 mm , wire brass soft 3 251mm , electrode welding high alloy steel 315m , flux welding aluminium 110g container , tubing copper round seamless od 8mm x wt , tubing copper round seamless od 12mm x w , tubing copper round seamless od 16mm x w , rod welding iron cast super silicon 3 15 , rod welding iron cast super silicon 6 30 , rod welding copper 4 00mm , abrasives cloth emery or corundum size o , abrasive paper glass is grit 120 size o , abrasive paper emery or corundum is grit , soap laundry , adhesive syn resin araldite ay103 , adhessive well seal , quick fix , graphite dry flake , abrasive paper emery or corundum is grit , alcohol isopropyl technical , inhictor c vapour barrier water soluble , detergemt solution , cement for brassallu to rubber joint , adhesive universal , tubing rubber interial diameter 6 3mm , tubing rubber interial diameter 10mm , tubing rubber interial diameter 20mm , tape adhesive transparentw 40 05mm , m seal , cork sheet 1 6mm thick , cork sheet thick 2 4mm , jointing asb fcomp gr 0 8mm 100x100cm , jointing asb fcomp gr 1 6mm 100x100cm , jointing asb fcomp gr 3 2mm thick , packing asbestos round 6 4 mm , packing asb braided yarn core rd 9 5mm , asbestos mill board 1 6 mm , insulationtape elec coton self adhesive , insulationtape electrical cotton self a
Tender For supply of washer spring single coil type b steel 12 mm , blade hack saw hand flexible coarse nominal length 300 mm , blade hack saw hand flexible fine nominal length 300 mm , gases acetylene 3 kg , washer spring single coil type b steel nominal size 6mm , pins cotter split steel 1point 6 mm by 25 mm , pins cotter split steel 1point 6 mm by 40 mm , pins cotter split steel 2point 5mm by 80 mm , pins cotter split steel 5point 5mm by 63 mm , nails brad steel cut 20 mm by 1point 50 mm , washer spring single coil type b steel nominal size 2 point 5 mm , washer spring single coil type b steel nominal size 7mm , washer spring single coil type b steel nominal size 10 mm , washer spring single coil type b 14 mm , washer spring single coil type b steel nominal n size 16 mm , washer spring single coil type b 18 mm , washer spring single turn 20 mm , pins cotter split steel 2 point 5 mm by 25 mm , pins cotter split steel 2 point 5 mm by 50 mm , pins cotter split steel 2 point 5 mm by 80 mm , rivets snap head copper dia 3 by 20mm , rivets snap head copper 6mm by 40mm , rivets snap head copper 8mm by 20mm , pins cotter split steel 3 point 2 mm by 25 mm , wire brass soft 3 point 251 mm , electrode welding high alloy steel 3point 15mm , flux welding aluminium 110 g container , tubing copper round seamless od 8mm by wt 0 point 80mm , tubing copper round seamless od 12mm by wt 0 point 80mm , tubing copper round seamless od 16mm by wt 1point 20mm , rod welding iron cast super silicon 3 point 15 , rod welding iron cast super silicon 6point 30 , rod welding copper 4 point 00mm , abrasive cloth emery or corundum grit no 100 , abrasive paper glass is grit 120 size 0 , abrasive paper emery or corundum is grit , soap laundry , adhesive padding glue mowicol l , adhesive syn resin araldite ay 103 , adhesive well seal , adhesive synthetic resin araldite ay 105 , quick fix , soap toilet , fevicol sr 998 , graphite dry flake , abrasive paper emery or corundum is grit 180 , inhictor c vapour barrier water soluble , detergent solution , cement for brass allu to rubber joint , adhesive universal , tubing rubber internal diameter 6 point 3 mm , tubing rubber internal diameter 10 mm , tubing rubber internal diameter 20mm , tape adhesive w roof w 40mm by l65 , m seal , cork sheet 1 point 6 mm thick , cork sheet thick 2 point 4mm , jointing asb f comp gr 0 point 8 mm 100 by100 cm , jointing asb f comp gr 1point 6 mm 100 by100 cm , jointing asb f comp gr 3point 2 mm thick , packing asbestos round 6 point 4mm , packing asb braaided yarn core rd 9point 5 mm , asbestos mild board 1point 6 mm , insulating pvc tape width 20 mm , insulationtape electrical cotton self adhesive