Tender For repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - npcil office cum transit accom at noida; as per scope of work; as per scope of work- operation and maintenance of various systems, equipment and fittings and supply of items at npcil office cum transit accommodation at noida - 1.1 providing supervisory services for operation & maintenance activity of office cum transit accommodation for o&m work of 11 kv/415v/240v systems, domestic water / fire water/ r.o. water/, air conditioners, water coolers, d.g sets, lighting systems, earth pits, , telephone. lines distribution systems, maintenance of lawns, flowerpots, rectification of deficiencies related to civil work like plumbing, carpentry / masonry work and office work etc. cleaning of underground water tanks, and overhead water tanks. regular check of lighting system of the building and repair and replacement of bulb, choke, holder starter and office work etc. one activity shall be considered completed by deputing one highly skilled manpower as per qualification given in tech. spec. for 9 hours in a day as per work requirement. due to sensitivity of nature of work required round the clock 1.1 highly skilled supervisor will be available round the clock for any instance and requirement as the case may be. 1.2 providing services of technician in skilled category round the clock for o & m activity at noida office cum transit accommodation for following activities :- (i) operation & maintenance of 11 kv system/equipment & transformer:- cleaning and area up keeping of 11 kv switch gear panel and transformer and replacement of silica gel in 315 kva transformer if colour changes. ht drop out fuse and condition monitoring of complete switch gear area, 315 kva transformer oil level in conservator will be checked in one month. the oil level must be maintained between 25%-75%, if it reduces it should be topped up by new tested insulating oil of hv grade per is-335. bushing are to be examined for crack and dirt deposit and are to be cleaned or replaced as necessary once in six months or earlier if required. noise/humming sound, temperature rise (over heating) and crack in bituminous compound once in a month, general cleaning of the transformer to keep it free from dust and soot s quarterly or as required. (ii) preventive maintenance of two (02) nos. 415 volts air circuit breaker, 11 kv vcb (01 nos.) and switch gear area up keeping. the contractor is also responsible for maintaining 230 volts ac distribution systems in healthy condition. the scope of work includes maintenance of db s panels, & switchgear to ensure the functioning of fan, light, distribution of electricity within noida office cum transit accommodation building. the required spares shall be provided by npcil however consumables & hard wares e.g. lubricant, petroleum jelly, tb nut bolt, lugs etc shall be provided by contractor. (iii) operation & maintenance of domestic water/fire water system: the scope of work includes operation of bore well to maintain fire water tank level. preventive maintenance of domestic and fire water system, routine testing of fire water hydrants/pumps both diesel operated and electrical pumps. dewatering and cleaning of underground fire water tank and domestic water tank six monthly. (iv) cleaning of 2 no s of overhead fire tank of 5000 liter capacity and one no. domestic water overhead tank of capacity 5000 liter and one number of solar water tank six monthly, servicing and lubrication of 2 number of domestic water pump, 3 no. sump pump. servicing and lubrication of jockey pump, main hydrant pump, fire engine pump. the required all spares parts, hardware s e.g. lubricant, petroleum jelly nut bolt, gasket etc. shall be provided by contractor. (v) operation and maintenance of solar water heating system will require weekly cleaning of solar water panel, heater replacement and maintaining temperature with heater, repair and replacement of rubber
Tender For procurement of gym equipment at hubballi airport fire station -supply, installation, testing and commissioning of (sitc)6- stationmulti gym with 4 stack including mandatory exercise provision oflat pull down, mid row, chest press, shoulder press, multi press, legcurl, leg extension, additional exercise leg press, pec fly/ rear belt ,leg raise, chin dip, material of frame: cold rolled mild steel, framefinishing: 2 layer electrostatic coating, frame thickness:3mm ,pipeshape: rectangular,cable:5 mm thick & nylon coated, adjustablepulley diameter:3 inch, adjustable pulleys type: "v" groovedfiberglass impregnated nylon pulleys with sealed bearing, bearings:precision-machined bearings, grip assemblies: narrow grip, thicknessof seat: 2 inches, cushioning type: foam padding, cushioningmaterial: foam, number of weight stacks to be supplied along withthe machine:2, weight of each stack (in kg): 90 kg, length:350 cm ,width: 250 cm, height:230 cm, machine weight with stacks (in kg):450 kg etc. complete as required in assembled condition includingtransportation up to aai site location , sitc of heavy duty commercial treadmill with max speed 25kmph, 4hp motor, maximum user weight 200 kg, incline range(degree): 20, display read out: time, speed, distance, incline,calories, pulse/heart rate, console/display type: tft touch screen,display size: (in inch) 18.5, keys on console: instant speed, incline key,program, minimum number of programs: 24, power drive electricity ,material for frame: mild steel, material for side foot rail: mild steel,material for roller: mild steel, material for console: abs (acrylonitrilebutadiene styrene), length of treadmill :80 inch, width oftreadmill:30 inch, height of treadmill: 58 inch, running length (ininch): 69 to 72, running width (in inch): 25 including training fortechnical staff and support services with the system, with essentialfeatures of heart rate monitor, calorie count feature, shockabsorption, provision to control/set speed, provision toincline/decline, wheels for easy transportation, with additionalfeatures of auto lubrication, reversible deck, recovery pattern,mp3connectivity, fan, bluetooth, usb, wi-fi, pulse sensor on hand rails,plane damping system, fitness test, emergency stopper with safetykey mechanism to ensures high degree of user's safety etc. completeas required in assembled condition including transportation up to aaisite location. , sitc of multi bench (incline, decline & flat) with bar holder, type ofbench: flat incline decline, machine length:162 cm ,machinewidth:60 cm, machine height:54 cm, machine weight :45 kg, materialof frame: colled rolled mild steel, frame finishing/coating:2-layerelectrostatic powder coating, pipe shape: oval, thickness:15 gauge,material of frame: colled rolled mild steel, framefinishing/coating:2-layer electrostatic powder coating, pipe shape:oval, seat and backrest material: foam padding, upholstery material:foam, seat and backrest thickness :2 inch, with provision of adjustableseat and back rest, 3 position seat pad adjustment, back padadjustment:30 degrees, with provision of abs rubber feet for floorprotection etc. complete as required in assembled condition includingtransportation up to aai site location , sitc of double bar with pulls ups with max user weight 150 kg,product weight:200 kg, weight stacks:91 kg, height:220 cm,width:136 cm, solid-steel weight plates, heavy-duty belt system,length:122 cm, plate capacity (per rod):10 kg etc. complete asrequired in assembled condition including transportation up to aaisite location , sitc of squat rack with material of frame: colled rolled mild steel,frame finishing/coating: 2-layer electrostatic powder coating, pipeshape: rectangular, thickness: 3 mm,machine length:178 cm, machine width:168 cm, machine height:180cm, machine weight (in kg) 150 kg etc. complete as required inassembled condition including transportation up to aai site location , sitc of abdominal bench with material of frame of abdominal b
Tender For corrigendum : providing of repair, maintenance, and installation of plant/ systems/equipments (version 2) - electricity substation; power house equipment; service provider