Tender For supply of anaesthesia, paed & paed surgery related surgical items to kmcri hubli - sterile disposable spinal needle no 20gx3.5 (1x1), octopus triple lumen //, octopus double lumen ///, dosi flow meter//, laryngoscope fibreoptic paediatric reusable soft grip handle set of 4 blades//, laryngoscope fibreoptic adult reusable soft grip handle set of 4 blades//, baska mask no. 3//, ventilator circuit paed small kit//, spinal anaesthesia kit//, ventilator circuit 3 limb with hme filter//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate thigh//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda large adult//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda adult//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda small adult//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate child//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate infant//, reusable cuff with artery index marker should connect aneroid sphygmomanometer usfda certificate small infant//, pencil point spinal needle paediatric 25x3.8cms//, pencil point spinal needle 25x12cms//, pencil point spinal needle 29x9cms//, spinal needle quinkee paediatric 25gx5cms//, spinal needle quinkee paediatric 25gx3cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 25gx13cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 25gx15cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 22gx15cms//, spinal needle extra long quinkee 22gx12cms//, nerve block needles ultrasound guided with removable polyurythene extension line 3.5 cms//, lma protector airway with cuff pilot, phthalte free no. (3 to 5)//, seldinger arterial line set 20g x 12 cms//, seldinger arterial line set 20g x 8 cms//, seldinger arterial line set 20g x 5 cms//, maccoy blades set no 2,3,4//, magill forceps small, medium, large//, closed head ring 280x240x140 mm//, closed head ring 200x75x45 mm//, closed head ring 140x60x35 mm//, fmt profile soft seal cuff straight /magill curve (5 to 8.5)//, endotracheal tube siliconized without cuff pvc no- 2 (1x1)//, endotracheal tube with cuff sterile no-5.5 (1x1)//, endotracheal tube with cuff sterile no-5 (1x1)//, microcuff rae tube 10 micron thickness (4.0 to 5)//, pressure monitoring line m/f 100 cm//, pressure monitoring line m/f 200 cm//, pressure monitoring line m/f 150 cm//, cse cure with lock mechanism 27/18 kit//, i gel (1.0 to 2.0) (1x1)//, scented large adult anaesthetic face masks with hook ring size (0 to 6)//, tube support malleable neonatal//, tube support malleable adult/, ayres t-piece //, gel closed head ring paed/, gel closed head ring adult//, breathing bag 2.0 litre//, breathing bag 1.0 litre//, breathing bag 0.5 litre/, resuscitator.autoclavable with reservoir 500ml (ped) silicon 1x1//, resuscitator.autoclavable with reservoir 250ml (neonatal) silicon 1x1//, resuscitator.autoclavable with reservoir 1000ml /1600ml(adult) silicon 1x1//, south oral murphy eye profile softseal cuff tube (no. 5 to 8.5), anatomical face mask 06 reprocesable autoclavable upto maximum temp 137 degree c (1x1)//, nasopharyngeal airway (12,14,16,18,20,22)//, nasopharyngeal airway (6,7,8)//, open ligaclip applicator//, venturi face mask kit with set of venturi valves (1x1)//, ventilator circuit disposable adult kit ventilator circuit 3 limbs plain hme filter bacterial filter cather mount yankur suction set brush recovery kit nebulizer t-connector airway(size 3&4) (1x1)//, ventilator circuit dual heated (neonatal/paed) compatible to drager & sle machine (1x1)//, urine collecting pouch (pead) (1x1)//, usg machine probe steriled disposable bag (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 8.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 7.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 6.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 5.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 4.0fr (1x1)//, umbilical catheter no 3.5fr (1x1)//, umbilic
Tender For supply of surgical items, consumables and equipments for gastrointestinal surgery, gmch, guwahati, assam - bilateral table mounted retractor, field post,18 , post coupling 1 x , hinged crossbar frame, angled lateral arm x 8 x 16 , quick lock blade clamps, swivel blade, harrington 1 1/2 x 5 x 3 , swivel blade, sterna, 3 x 3 , swivel blade,balfour 3 x 3 , swivel blade , malleable 2 x 8 , swivel blade, malleable 3 x 8 , univ.tmr blade,kelly,3 x 3 (7.6 x 8.9 cm), univ.tmr blade, kelly, 2 x 4 (5.1 x 10.2cm), univ.tmr blade,deaver, x (1.9 x 8.3cm), univ,tmr extension bridge, offer for laparoscopy hand instruments make:karl storz,germany., trocar ,size 11 mm, trocar,size 6 mm, clickline kelly grasping forceps, clickline reddickolsen grasp, forceps, clickline grasping forceps, clickline croce-olmi grasping, forceps, clickline bowel forceps, clickline dissecting and grasp, forceps, clicklinescissors insert with outer she ath, curved,double action jaws, spoon-s haped jaws, length of blades 17 mm, size 5 mm, length 36 cm, sterile,for single use, package of 10, clickline plastic handle, without ratchet, with larger contact area at the finger ring, with connector pin for unipolar coagulation, coagulating and dissecting electrode,lshaped,with connector pin for unipolar coagulation,size 5 mm,working length 36 cm, coagulating and dissecting electrode,spatula-sheaped,blunt with conn ector pin for unipolar coagulation,size 5 mm, working length 36 cm, robi kelly grasping forceps,clermontferand model,rotating,disman tling,with connector pin for bipolar coagulation, especially suitable for dissection,double action jaws,size 5 mm, length 36 cm, color cod:light blue consisting of:38151 robi plastic handle,without ratche 38600 robi metal outer shealth 38610 md robi forceps insert, bipolar cablr, unipolar high frequency cord,with 4 mm plug,length 300 cm, for model s karl storz,erbe type t,older models and eliman, koh macro needle holder,ergonomic handie with ratchet,left curved jaw s, with lungsten carbide inserts, 0 5 mm,length 33 cm for use with uture material 0/0-70/, clip applicator,dismantling,rotating,size 10 mm, length 36 cm, with ratchet to look the jaw holding the clip, consisting of :30440 et insert,for se with ethicon titanium-clips lt-300?(medium large), reducer, 11/5 mm, reduction sleeve, 11/5 mm, seal bonnet(50/4), 392350 item name, a. forceps(d3), ring tipped micro forceps 0.5 mm, adsons forceps nontoothed, gerald forceps, angled tipped forceps 2mm, angled tipped forceps fine, b. bull dogs(d3), diethrich debakey straight, diethrich debakey straight, diethrich debakey curved, debakey curved, debakey curved, glover straight, gregory straight, c.scissors(d3), iris sharp straight scissors, kelly vascular straight(iris like tip), reynoids tenotomy straight sharp, reynolds tenotomy curved blunt, diethrich-hageman( potts)60d, d.needle holders(d3), 8/0 castrovieijo ss, 6/0 castroviejio ss, 5/0 castroviejo ss, e.miscellaneous(d3), nerve hook, micro mosquito curved, comp-continental-lt general donor set(d1)v2, (a)general(d1), kidney tray, bowl big, bowl small, poole suction, fine suction, tower clips, tibbs cannula, tibbs cannula, bp handle, bp handle, wastson cheyne medium, wastson cheyne small, lacrimal probe 1-2.5 mm, clip applicator large, clip applicator medium, clip applicator small, (b)grasping/retracting instruments (d1), allis long, allis long, sponge holding, babcocks small, babcock nt medium, duvalforceps, langenbecks, langenbecks medium 6.75 , langenbecks small 6.75 , cats paw retractor, morris, deavers, kellys, malleable, cushing eyelid retractor medium 8 , cushing eyelid retractor small 8 , (c)dissecting instruments(d1), c1.forceps/arteries/rt angles, long debakey(thick tip), long debakey(fine tip), medium debakey, debakey, debakey, toothed forceps (skin closure), curved mosquito, straight mosquito, curved artery(kelly), long roberts, long roberts, long lahey rt angle, long lahey rt angle, medium lahey rt angle, medium lahey rt angl