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Iron Karahi Tenders

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CTN :38527666 Due date: 19 Dec, 202419 Dec, 2024 16.00 Lacs
Tender For procurement of materials for establishing srishti tinkering labs in 02 kps schools of kalaburgi district - arduino uno or equivalent , arduino nano or equivalent , arduino mega or equivalent , raspberry pi 3 model b+ , solderless 400 pin breadboard , solderless 800 pin breadboard , self-adhesive proto shield , fr2 a grade material (140 x 90mm) , fr2 a grade material (80 x 55mm) , female berg strip, 2.54mm pitch, 40 pin single row, breakable pin , male berg strip, 2.54mm pitch, 40 pin single row, breakable pin , 16x2 lcd display , , iic/i2c serial interface adapter module , usb cables - usb cable set (a to b, 12 inch or more) , usb cables - usb cable set (mini, 12 inches or more) , battery , esp32 , resistor kit , capacitor kit , linear voltage regulator , water pump module , piezoelectric plate , 8*8 led matrix module , bluetooth module , gsm , gps , laser diode emitter , ldr module , keypad , active buzzer - small 5 volt , active buzzer - big 5 volt , motor driver module , dc plastic gear motor with wheel , node mcu , wemos d1 r2 , vibrating motor , alligator connectors , battery clips with dc jack , hook-up wires , jumper cable male-male , jumper cable male-female , jumper cable female-female , rgb leds , leds (red) , leds (green) , leds (blue) , leds (yellow) , leds (white) , timer ic - lm 555 , diodes and transistors kit , button switch set (set of 100 pieces ) , capacitative touch module , capacitative touch switch module , ir sensors, obstacle avoider sensor module , triple axis magnetometer , humidity sensor , mq - 2 smoke detection , mq-3 alcohol - ethanol sensor , mq-4 methane natural gas , mq-5 methane liquified gas sensor , mq-6 liquified petroleum gas sensor , mq-7 high sensitivity co carbon monoxide sensor , detector , mq-8 hydrogen gas sensor , mq-135 air quality sensor , ir transmitter/ receiver , ultrasonic sensor module hc-sr-04 or compatible , triple axis accelerometer , pir motion detector module , pulse rate heart sensor , relay module - 5v 10a - 2 channel relay module. compatible with arduino , relay module - 5v 10a - 1 channel relay module. compatible with arduino , big sound microphone module , soil moisture sensor module , touch sensor , metal touch sensor module , rain drop sensor , flex sensor , temperature sensor , temperature and humidity sensor module , force pressure sensor , colour recognition sensor , water flow sensor , sound sensor , power bank , rfid reader tags , rf modules tx & rx 315 mhz ask , stepper motor with driver board , dc motor , servo motors , servo motors , servo motors , servo motors , 150 rpm bo motor , l298p motor driver , servo motor tester , robotics diy kit , drone kit , solar panels- 6v, 100mah , solar panels- 12v 10w , copper tape- 5mm/10mm wide , bo motor wheels , insulating tape , 3d printer kit and tools , filament for 3d printer - 1000 g each , cardboard , foam core boards , 20m spool of thick strings various colour , rubber band , popsicle sticks , wood glue 500 ml , hacksaw frame , hacksaw blades , mini hacksaw frame , mini hacksaw blades , pliers: 4.5-inch size , pliers: 4.5-inch size , pliers: 4.5-inch size , pliers: 4.5-inch size , pliers: 4.5-inch size , pliers: 4.5-inch size , pliers: 4.5-inch size , pliers: 4.5-inch size , ball pein hammer , steel shaft claw hammer , c-clamp , allen key set , drill machine set , cordless drill machine set , spanner set , removable bench vice , precision screw driver set , wrench , wire strippers , screwdriver , drill bit set , file set , mini file set , flexible cutting mat , pegboard , hot glue gun , soldering kit , adapter with 5v, 2a , adapter with 12v, 2a , soldering helping hand , return measuring tape , stainless steel rule , mechanical + digital vernier calliper , spirit level , digital pen electric tester , digital multi meter , syringe- 10 ml , syringe- 20ml , leveling pipe- 8 mm , , , glue sticks , nuts and bolts and screw , small cable tie pack -pack of 100 , medium cable tie pack -pack of 100 , big cable tie

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38466473 Due date: 06 Jan, 202506 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of interior stickers with braille script for lhb scn coaches., as per drawing: ls 64007 alt b item no.1,2,6,8,13 to 17,19,21,23,25 & 26 with braille script as per mcf's specifi cation no. mmdts-22001 rev. nil or latest, packing instruction: pi136 ver 2.0, lettering inside : one complete set of lettering inside should be packed in cardboard box. different sub sets should be made & a list of items should be pasted on each packet of subsets. lette rs packed in each subset under different headings are as under:- plumbing : emergency flush button, press for flush, notice for bio toilet moulding:- duties of coach attenda nt, push, pull, no smoking, alarm and penalty notice, door closes automatically, safety message near gate, notice for luggage capacity. lavatory:- dust bin, fire extinguisher, soap dispenser, no drinking water, no waste into toilet, western style, press for flush , fire prevention and safety, marking of lavatories / body side door, notice for lavatories, drinking water, unified notice for fire prevention & safety. seat & berth:- st icker for seat number, berth numbers, letter for chaining luggage, notice for unreser ved coaches. air brake:- reset emergency brake, feed pipe, brake pipe, closed, open, hand brake panel : furnish plate, complaint book. window & ceiling: pull window glass inside, indication plate & sticker for emergency window, emergency openable window. note : fi rms have option to provide qr code the cardboard box shall carry a qr code having de tails as listed below : " name of the manufacturer " purchase order numb er " purchase order date " unique serial number (or lot number for bu lk items) of the manufacturer or " date of manufacture " delivery challan no. " delivery challan date the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be available as xml using t he tags detailed above. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38466474 Due date: 06 Jan, 202506 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of interior stickers with braille script for lhb ac 3 tier coaches., as per drawin g: le64016 alt b item no 1 to 7, 9 to 11,13, 15, 18 to 22,27 & 29 with braille script as per mc f's specification no. mmdts-22001 rev. nil or latest, packing instruction:pi136 ver-2.0, letteri ng inside: one complete set of lettering inside should be packed in cardboard box. diffe rent subsets should be made & a list of items should be pasted on each packet of subse ts. letters packed in each subset under different headings are as under:- plumbing : em ergency flush button, press for flush, notice for bio toilet moulding:- duties of coach attendant, push, pull, no smoking, alarm and penalty notice, door closes automatically, safety message near gate, notice for luggage capacity. lavatory:- dust bin, fire extinguisher, soap dispenser, no drinking water, no waste into toilet, western style, press for flush, fire prevention and safety, marking of lavatories / body side do or, notice for lavatories, drinking water, unified notice for fire prevention & safety. s eat & berth:- sticker for seat number, berth numbers, letter for chaining luggage, noti ce for unreserved coaches. air brake:- reset emergency brake, feed pipe, brake pipe, clo sed, open, hand brake panel : furnish plate, complaint book. window & ceiling: pull wind ow glass inside, indication plate & sticker for emergency window, emergency openable window. note : firms have option to provide qr code the cardboard box shall carry a q r code having details as listed below : " name of the manufacturer " purc hase order number " purchase order date " unique serial number (or l ot number for bulk items) of the manufacturer or " date of ma nufacture " delivery challan no. " delivery challan date the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be availa ble as xml using the tags detailed above. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deli very ]

CTN :38381552 Due date: 19 Dec, 202419 Dec, 2024 10.00 Lacs
Tender For supply of sewing kit telescope wrench file set - arduino uno r3 , arsuino nano , resberry pi 3 , aurdino mega , breadboards 800points , breadboards 400points , berg strip f,m , zero pcb , 16x2 ldc display with i2c module , usb cables , 9v battery , resistors kit , capacitors kit , linear voltage reguiulator set , water pump module , piezoelectic plate , 8by8 led matrix module , bluetooth module , 7 segment led display , gsm module , gps module , laser diode emitter , ldr module , keypad , joy stick , active buzzer , motor driver l298p , sound playback module , esp 32 , vibrating motor , alligator coonector , dc jack male and female , rgb leds , leds red , leds green , leds blue , leds yellow , leds white , ic lm555 , diod and transistor kit , button switch set , touch module , battery clip , ir sensors , triple axis magnetometer , mq4 sensor , mq5 sensor , mq6 sensor , mq7 sensor , mq8 sensor , mq135 sensor , ir transmiter and receiver , ultrasonic sensor module , triple axis accelerometer , pulse rate heart sensor , relay 1 channel module , relay 2 channel module , sound module , soil moisture sensor module , rain drop sensor , flex sensor , temperature and humidity sensor module , force pressure sensor , colour recognisation sensor , water flow sensor , power bank module , pir motion sensor module , rfid reader , rf module , stepper motor , dc motor , servo motor metal gear 180 , servo motor metal gear 360 , small servo metal gear , 4 wheel robot car chassis kit , drone kit , bio-medical kit , 3d printer , 3d filament 1000gm , cardboard , foam core boards , rubberband , popsicle stick , wood glue 500ml , hacksaw frame , hacksaw blades , mini hacksaw frame , mini hacksaw blades , pliers set , twizer set , ball peen hammer , steel shaft claw hammer , c-clamp , allen key set , drill machine set , workstation for drilling , spanner set , vice normal , precision screw driver , wrench , wire stripper , screwdriver , cordless rotary multitool set , air blower , drill bit set , file set , mini file set , flexiable cutting mat , plastic storage drawer , pegboard , hot glue gun , digital oscilloscope , soldering kit , adapter 5v , adapter 12v , electric screw driver , dual temperature heat gun , soldering helping hand , return measuring tape , stainless steel rule , digital vernier calliper , spirit level , digital multimeter , diy paper microscope , telescope , sewing kit , glue stick , cable tie , power strip adapters , buld holder , electric wires 20m , first aid kit , fire extinguisher , saftey goggles , safety gloves , safety mask , furniture , chairs
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