Tender For corrigendum : supply, installation and commissioning of 220v,300 ah plante type leadacidbattery with required stand, electrolyte and accessories for replacing the existing battery bank in plbe powerhouse, gsd poringalkuthu (re-tender)
Tender For supply cum erection, installation and commissioning of 550ah exidetubular leadacid stationary battery bank sets for stage_1 ups system atntpc kahalgaon.
Tender For corrigendum : supply of supply of 24v/170ah ni-cd high discharge type battery bank with buyback of old 1.2v/170ah ni-cd cell , supply of spare 1.2v/170ah nickel cadmium cell , installation, testing and commissioning charges for 24v/170ah battery bank
Tender For supply, installation, testing, commissioning and dismantling of 200 ah, 400 ah and 600 ah vrla battery bank with buyback of old scrap battery bank at priority section of lucknow metro project
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - mrpl tender no 3420000060 and service code 1055987 load test and maintenance battery bank containing 85 to 100 cells as per tender document section and in gem overall total lump sum rate to be quoted considering 19 each qua..,custom bid for services - mrpl tender no 3420000060 and service code 1055988 load test and maintenance battery bank containing 170 to 180 cells as per tender document section and in gem overall total lump sum rate to be quoted considering 14 each qu..,custom bid for services - mrpl tender no 3420000060 and service code 1055989 load test and maintenance battery bank containing 300 cells as per tender document section and in gem overall total lump sum rate to be quoted considering 2 each quantities..