Tender For providing of custom bid for services - engagement of ex servicemen as gatemen for three years on contract basis in the sections of cne bpb agtl scl jrbm ktx bhrb etc on 75 nos engineering and traffic levelcrossings under lumding div total 165 nos ex servicemen
Tender For providing katcha drains & laying rcc pipes for road crossings at various locations in vaddeswaram area under ae-3 section of mangalagiri tadepalli municipal corporation under municipal general funds
Tender For supply of drinking water on stations, section, in gangs & levelcrossings over nps (ex.)- ntz (ex.) section under aden/line, bikaner (for-12 months)
Tender For bengaluru - mysuru section: overhauling of levelcrossings and repairs to road surface, speed breakers at 30 nos. of levelcrossings in aden/mandya section. maintenance period is 6months. (composite work).
Tender For daily cleaning and up-keeping of the levelcrossings at both end of rly. siding no 09 and 10 for a period of 730 days at balram ocp under hingula area.
Tender For corrigendum : making and installation of 02 (two) nos, of diamond crossings in the track line for new panel at chora 10 pit colliery under kenda area