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Lift Kit Tenders

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Bid Submission Date Range
Tender Value

CTN :38588722 Due date: 03 Jan, 202503 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of clutch plate,cabin lifting kit,brake shoe front,eng comp gaskit,solenoid switch,wheel bearing,hose rubber,cyl head gaskit,cover assy clutch,knuckle bearing,pump assy oil,first leaf with bush

CTN :38555899 Due date: 02 Jan, 202502 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of mt spare part - brake disc caliper set front lh and rh , fuel pump assy tank , water hose pipe set comp , wheel drum rear lh and rh , disc rotor front lh and rh , belt tensioner assy , fuel filter assy with pump , front shocker with spring assy lh rh comp , rear shocker with spring assy lh rh comp , ball joint lh rh comp set , assy wheel hub front comp set lh and rh , brake disc caliper front set lh and rh , brake disc caliper rear set lh and rh , fuel pipe line tank to filter comp set , fuel pipe line return comp set , fuel pipe filter to comman rail , belt timing , belt alternator and ac comp , hose pipe set comp , disc rotor rear lh and rh , clutch and pressure 400 nm sac tata storme , hydraulic slave cylinder , wheel hub with brg comp set front lh and rh , wheel hub with brg comp set rear lh and rh , fuel pipe line comp set main , fuel pipe line comp set return , oil filter m gypsy 413 , hevy duty bench grinder bosh single face 8 inch , battery charger elektron 1072 elak , hydraulic press fitting machine hevy duty 20 ton bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5699391 dated/* : 12-12-2024 bid document/ 1 1 / 31

CTN :38533231 Due date: 31 Dec, 202431 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of lv7t815, 273 521 306 000, shaft sealing ring 150x180x15,lv7t815, nktatra001, cabin lifting kit,lv7t815, 443 612 223 000, clutch booster vg3284,lv7t815, nktatra0004, solenoid,lv7t815, 483 512 014 000, turbo blower hx50w 350995

CTN :38507687 Due date: 30 Dec, 202430 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For tender for supply of punch and die - punch for cnc press brake rst 1693 5x1000 mm length , punch for cnc press brake rst 1695 5x800 mm length , bottom die for cnc press brake rst 1694 , bottom die for cnc press brake rst 1690 , punch for cnc press brake rst 1696 5x800 mm length

CTN :38504077 Due date: 18 Dec, 202418 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For providing of repair and overhauling service - hydraulic press for packing brake chute; hydraulic press for packing brake chute; yes; buyer premises

State Government

CTN :38507473 Due date: 28 Dec, 202428 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of spare parts of maruti gypsy - radiator assembly of maruti gypsy , clutch plate of maruti gypsy , pressure plate of maruti gypsy , clutch bearing of maruti gypsy , clutch cable of maruti gypsy , tappet cover gaskit of maruti gypsy , rear wheel oil seal of maruti gypsy , rear wheel brake shoe set of maruti gypsy , sparking plug set of maruti gypsy , fuel filter of maruti gypsy , head light bulb helogen , horn semi roots set , self solonide switch denso of maruti gypsy , self bendix denso of maruti gypsy , self brush set desno of maruti gypsy , fuse 20 amp , wiper arm left and right of maruti gypsy , wiper blade left and right of maruti gypsy , side indicator assembly mudguard left and right of maruti gypsy , parking light assembly left and right of maruti gypsy , wiper bp spacer of maruti gypsy , bulb 1016 , bulb 67 , bulb 1141 , press blub , l t wire 5 mm , tape roll , ignition relay of maruti gypsy , fuse relay of maruti gypsy , door lock bus type right side , door outer handle with key bus type , door inner handle of maruti gypsy , door stricker of maruti gypsy , door hings left and right of maruti gypsy , front plastic corner left and right of maruti gypsy , side mirror left and right rakshak jeep type , bombay masala , calcium carbide , welding rods , body filler , sanding paper 180 no , water proof paper 320 no , super set white paint , nc thinner , making tap 1 inch , dhoti cloth , nc putty 500 gram bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5674661 dated/* : 07-12-2024 bid document/ 2 1 / 36

State Government

CTN :38507495 Due date: 28 Dec, 202428 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of cltuch plate of bp maruti gypsy , pressure plate of bp maruti gypsy , clutch cable of bp maruti gypsy , clutch bearing of bp maruti gypsy , rear wheel brake shoe set of bp maruti gypsy , rear shock absorber left and right of bp maruti gypsy , front shock absorber left and right of bp maruti gypsy , front leaf spring auxilarry of bp maruti gypsy , supension bush kit set of bp maruti gypsy , tappet cover gaskit of bp maruti gypsy , three bond tube , gear oil 3 liter , brake oil 500 gram , wiper blade left and right of bp maruti gypsy , wiper link rod with gear set of bp maruti gypsy , fuse 15 amp , stop switch , reverse plug of bp maruti gypsy , l t wire 5mm , tape roll black , wiper bp spacer of bp maruti gypsy , front door lock left and right of bp maruti gypsy , door stricker left and right of bp maruti gypsy , door press rubber of bp maruti gypsy , door lock bus type right side , door inner handle bus type , door outer handle with key bus type , bonnet cable of bp maruti gypsy , calcium carbide , ccm rods , welding rods , rear plastic corner of bp maruti gypsy , side view mirror rakshak type left and right , tvs bolt no 10 , silicon tube bid number/ ( ( ) ): gem/2024/b/5674552 dated/* : 07-12-2024 bid document/ 2 1 / 28

CTN :38473551 Due date: 27 Dec, 202427 Dec, 2024 NA
Tender For supply of pad kit brake front - pad kit brake front , disc brake , actuator , hose strg pump to gear , shoe kit lined brake , sticker weight , hold down kit brake shoe , power strg pump assy , drum rear brake , steering gear assy , belt 4pk , power steering fluid , tie clip , wheel alignment charge , repair of front brake disc , repair of front disc brake pad , repair of actuator , repair of power steering press hose , repair of power steering pump , repair of rear brake drum , wheel balancing , repair of brake shoe both wheel rear , evaporator cleaning

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38466473 Due date: 06 Jan, 202506 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of interior stickers with braille script for lhb scn coaches., as per drawing: ls 64007 alt b item no.1,2,6,8,13 to 17,19,21,23,25 & 26 with braille script as per mcf's specifi cation no. mmdts-22001 rev. nil or latest, packing instruction: pi136 ver 2.0, lettering inside : one complete set of lettering inside should be packed in cardboard box. different sub sets should be made & a list of items should be pasted on each packet of subsets. lette rs packed in each subset under different headings are as under:- plumbing : emergency flush button, press for flush, notice for bio toilet moulding:- duties of coach attenda nt, push, pull, no smoking, alarm and penalty notice, door closes automatically, safety message near gate, notice for luggage capacity. lavatory:- dust bin, fire extinguisher, soap dispenser, no drinking water, no waste into toilet, western style, press for flush , fire prevention and safety, marking of lavatories / body side door, notice for lavatories, drinking water, unified notice for fire prevention & safety. seat & berth:- st icker for seat number, berth numbers, letter for chaining luggage, notice for unreser ved coaches. air brake:- reset emergency brake, feed pipe, brake pipe, closed, open, hand brake panel : furnish plate, complaint book. window & ceiling: pull window glass inside, indication plate & sticker for emergency window, emergency openable window. note : fi rms have option to provide qr code the cardboard box shall carry a qr code having de tails as listed below : " name of the manufacturer " purchase order numb er " purchase order date " unique serial number (or lot number for bu lk items) of the manufacturer or " date of manufacture " delivery challan no. " delivery challan date the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be available as xml using t he tags detailed above. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]

Central Government/Public Sector

CTN :38466474 Due date: 06 Jan, 202506 Jan, 2025 NA
Tender For supply of interior stickers with braille script for lhb ac 3 tier coaches., as per drawin g: le64016 alt b item no 1 to 7, 9 to 11,13, 15, 18 to 22,27 & 29 with braille script as per mc f's specification no. mmdts-22001 rev. nil or latest, packing instruction:pi136 ver-2.0, letteri ng inside: one complete set of lettering inside should be packed in cardboard box. diffe rent subsets should be made & a list of items should be pasted on each packet of subse ts. letters packed in each subset under different headings are as under:- plumbing : em ergency flush button, press for flush, notice for bio toilet moulding:- duties of coach attendant, push, pull, no smoking, alarm and penalty notice, door closes automatically, safety message near gate, notice for luggage capacity. lavatory:- dust bin, fire extinguisher, soap dispenser, no drinking water, no waste into toilet, western style, press for flush, fire prevention and safety, marking of lavatories / body side do or, notice for lavatories, drinking water, unified notice for fire prevention & safety. s eat & berth:- sticker for seat number, berth numbers, letter for chaining luggage, noti ce for unreserved coaches. air brake:- reset emergency brake, feed pipe, brake pipe, clo sed, open, hand brake panel : furnish plate, complaint book. window & ceiling: pull wind ow glass inside, indication plate & sticker for emergency window, emergency openable window. note : firms have option to provide qr code the cardboard box shall carry a q r code having details as listed below : " name of the manufacturer " purc hase order number " purchase order date " unique serial number (or l ot number for bulk items) of the manufacturer or " date of ma nufacture " delivery challan no. " delivery challan date the qr code shall be as per iso/iec18004 model2 and the data shall be availa ble as xml using the tags detailed above. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deli very ]
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