Tender For supply of control assembly ebv-a to knorr-bremse part no.787452-2004 of ccb-ii brake system in hhp diesel locomotive s. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of overhauling kit for control portion bp (787321-1994), as per kbil kit no xki/ki t/01579 of m/s. knorr bremse make ccb panel for braking system of 3- phase locomotive. s et consists of 60 items in 77 nos/set as per annexure attached. [ warranty period: 30 mont hs after the date of delivery ]
Tender For supply of set of control node assembly for ebv of ccb ii brake system of m/s knorr bremse make consists of 02 items in 02 nos. having-- (1) control node assembly, ebv, ft 5000 l/software part no.- 789991, qty.= 1 no./set, (2) control node assembly, ebv, ft 5000 l/software part no.- 789589, qty. = 1 no./set. for three phase electric locomotive. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of deli very ]
Tender For supply of led based flasher system(warning light) for electric locomotive to rdsos specn.no.elrs/spec/lfl/0017 (rev-1 sep -2004). one set consisting of (i) flasher lamp unit with mounting hood = 02 nos. (ii) control unit = 02 nos.