Tender For maintenance and upgradation of existing automatic starter panel and motorised valves system in different pump houses, repair / replacement of old unserviceable fan and geysers and repair/ maintenance of lightning protection system in different bldgs
Tender For revamping of existing fire fighting system and lightning protection system installation at ayurveda hospitalthripunithurarevamping of existing fire fighting system electrical fire fighting work
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - 200139070 earthing and lightning protection system adequacy study for switchyard main plant and off site areas at ntpc mouda
Tender For conducting lightning protection survey (adequacy of existing system and assessment of requirement of additional system) of bank's office building and three residential premises at bhubaneswar
Tender For providing of custom bid for services - technical audit of earthing and lightning protection system of dvc substations 23 nos situated in west bengal and jharkhand through custom bid in gem portal